Michelle Obama HUMILIATED After Embarrassing Instagram Leak – Never As Classy



Mrs Trump is the most beautiful 1st Lady our country has ever had. hands down.

Oh my God, what BS nothing about the Democrats surprises me anymore get them out, President Trump and classy Melania in the White House


  1. Do the Americans listen to what their future leaders say during speeches when running for president. They should stick to the subject. During the first round with Mr. Trump, he was simply talking with his hands and Mrs Clinton got it on film and showed it during her debate with Trump. She said, and I can’t believe no one there or in the papers mentioned it. She said look at this, is this what you want for a president, that’s the way retarded children act. My god a women with any education would say that on a national TV debate. Canadians and Canadian papers and the news would of been all over that big time. Trump was being kind not to blow that all over the news. He like a business man he is stuck to the facts at hand, Clinton had no platform but to talk about Trumps wife and son. I seem to remember a certain husband and a dress. but did Trump mention it, NO.

  2. Hands down, Melania Trump is the most sophisticated, stylish, accomplished First Lady we have ever had, not to mention she is classy and beautiful. She speaks several languages fluently, and is a lady through and through! Can’t say any of that about moochelle! And President Trump is stylish as well. I think moochelle is jealous of melania, because she can’t measure up to her! Melania is an icon, moochelle is a wanna be. Sad!!!!

    • Remember Michelle getting off Air Force One in flip flops and shorts and her hair pulled back in a bun. What a disgrace. Michelle learned to dress her last 3yrs as first lady. Oh, remember her black dress with the red on the front, she looked like a black widow. The women can’t dress herself, she needs help.

  3. Hillary clinton never had class ever, just look at the way she’s acted over the many years her and silly billy have been in politics. She had the gall to call the Americans ‘deplorables’ and Trump ‘retarted’. Her bad choice ofwords cost her the election, pure and simple. The American people could see anothjer 4 years of the liberals and they weren’t having it, period. i’ll leave it at that


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