Melania Trump SHOCKS Everyone By Having Class (again)



Has the world ever seen someone so beautiful internally as she is externally?

It would be a Secret Service Nightmare ??? having to protect President Trump and his wife! Very unnecessary for her to be there! ????????????????????????????????????????????


  1. Does trhis man not get it? Trump is a criminal. You are supporting a man who cares about himself only and not the country he is supposed to be representing and supporting. Melania could care less either. She was the worst first lady we ever had.

    • You just described Biden his sons on trial they found cocaine in the White House G I don’t know how it got there Trump is being set up he wasn’t allowed to be in his bedroom when the FBI searched it don’t you find that little fishy even if you don’t like him

  2. Syndie Sandt- THANK YOU !!!! You are so right !!! The “DOUBLE STANDARD” is glaring. The real TRUTH is that President Trump is Honest, Law Abiding, Innocent, and He truly LOVES AMERICA. President Trump KEEPS his promises and Makes America Great.
    Joe Biden has proven that he is Greedy, Self-Aggrandizing, Crooked, Deceitful, and Evil. There are no words that can adequately describe Joe Biden’s despicable, deplorable, and nefarious soul. He has proven how Criminal he is- Way Before his Dementia was so evident. Thank GOD for President Donald J. Trump !!! GOD is with him and he shall overcome these EVIL Liberals and Democrats- Especially Nancy NASTY Pelosi.

    • I think you have President Biden and Trump mix-up, there are no other like Trump, can’t you get it? Trump lies to everyone, and he knows you all believe him. He must be thinking you are all stupid to believe all he said, even to have an affair with 2 women while his wife is having a child. The devil is with that filthy man, not Good and he will pay for ALL his sins if not on hearth it will be in hell where he will burn for lying to you Dianna!!!

      • I so agree! He needs to go to jail. He is evil! He is a liar and puts everyone down including our country. He is mentally ill!

  3. Where was Kamala Harris, when she dropped out of college for over a year, before earning her degree? Wikipedia took her sketchy bio down, when she was first anounced as Joe Biden’s running mate in 2020. I am so fearful that this woman; may have had a nervous breakdown and been institutionalized for treatment. She may have had a child. From her mouth not mine, “abort at at time, even full term”. She even stated that Joe agreed with her, and when asked; he said, “what, she said.” This female will be the first woman President of the U.S. as Joe will never finish a second term. She can cackle all the way to China….

  4. Melania is the most beautiful, elegant, accomplished First Lady we have ever had! She is well educated, speaks several languages fluently, and outshines moochelle and “ Dr.Jill” far and above anyone else! She was treated like dirt by the media, they never had her on any magazine covers, never said a kind word about her, yet she impressed a lot of people. And she will be First Lady again, emphasis on LADY! Moochelle and Dr.Jill are schlumps in comparison to her. They are so jealous of her, because they can never measure up to her! Can’t wait for her to be our First Lady again, with Donald J.Trump as president. A class act! GO MAGA! By the way, why would she be in court? The msm would skewer her every day, hurt her feelings, and criticize her to no end! For no good reason.

  5. I agree. Melania is a truly classy person. She doesn’t chase after publicity or try to impress anyone. She doesn’t get recognition for her contributions because she is low key and content within herself.
    She has given many speeches and backs causes such as her recent speech on behalf of new citizens in the US.


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