Mark Cuban Has MELTDOWN & Finally ADMITS He Hates White People & Gets DESTROYED On Twitter!



Reminder that it’s OK to be white.

Mark Cuban is a perfect example of what happens when you give dumb people money


  1. With Biden in office people don’t know that Obama is running the country and Biden is a puppet.With several millions of immigrants entering our beloved country the homeless immigrants will get health care and taking many of the American jobs as well as social security.As Americans we can’t let them take control over our country.With the accompanying high prices from gas food and lodging when will this every stop.With Trump and his administration we can turn our country around for affordable families.With your vote will determine who is best to lead us to a prosperous life.Rather you are a Democratic or Republican it’s up to you!!!

    • What a lot of people don’t realize is the immigrants coming over the border legally (Because Biden invited them) they tell the border patrol where they want to go. (example I have friends in NYC staying at the Roe hotel and I would like to do the same) Once they arrive in NYC they are put up in a hotel all expenses paid. They are provided three meals a day which are now being catered according to the country they come from example Mexican food because they complained they did not like our food. They are provided with Accommodations, Health Care, Food, School, Work Visa’s and paid cell phones and clothing. that don’t expire until 2030, they are given a scooter (someone driving by the Holiday Inn Midtown in NYC can take a photo of all the scooters parked outside. The entire hotel is reserved for Immigrants. This is a fast track to voters ID’s.

  2. Ok, so we know Mark Cuban is a racist. He hates white people so I guess he hates himself. If people would stop worrying about what color a person is and just accept people for who they are, and what they can do, we would not have this problem.
    Why does not Mark give all his money away to people to show he means what he says?

  3. To hate or like anyone because of their skin color is sheer stupidity! So we have determined that Cuban is a stupid fool, now we can move on to more important things!! Like how all of this ignorance hate and total evil is exactly what should be happening at TEOTWAWKI!!! We are absolutely in the “last days” that have been PROPHESIED for millennia! Nothing can stop the ultimate plans of the creator of the universe! It is so clear in Tanakh and the NT! HALLEL LU JA!

  4. What a dumb azz. For as smart as he’s supposed to be , he sure is a idoit. He’s white. And like most democrats who are white they cry whites are the problem. So then their saying, their as much of the problem as every other white is ??? Or do they mean the other whites like the poor whites who are below them. Kind of like the other white meat. Guess they really are their own worse enemies. Dumb azz’s can’t figure anything out. But remember you whites are the problem even tho you vote for them. So, is that the problem he’s talking about ??? Well then stop voting for them and the problems fixed. It’s that simple. Stop being a white problem for the rich whites or the so called other white meat.


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