Liz Cheney THREATENS To DESTROY Republican Party If NEOCONS Can’t Get Rid Of Trump And MAGA!



Liz Cheney and her Father should be in Prison.

The Republican party is off to a great start by getting rid of you Liz Cheney!


  1. Liz Cheney endorses anybody? Definitely vote for his opponent. She is a sick puppy who everybody wishes would just go away. She is a first class RINO.

  2. liz you have become unglued. Get the hate out of your heart for the people that love Donald Trump. You are a looser and you need to just get out of politics completely. Your dad is encouraging this hate. Maybe you should just get away from daddy for a while. GET A LIFE

  3. Wow. Who knew she was that powerful? If she reads this I hope she can understand that the policies, actions of the dems and their erosion of all American’s rights and freedom is why DJT was elected the first time and why he is the preferred candidate of Republicans today. Republicans will not stand for DJT being “Bidened” so another person can become the party nominee ignoring the votes of millions of American voters. Who is attacking democracy? Wake up please.

  4. Could she and her daddy be involved in all the assignation attempts?
    Could Maxine Walters, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Whoopi Goldberg,
    Jill Biden, Joe Biden, the DOJ, FBI, and so many more Democrats be
    included in contributing $$$ for a contract to kill Trump?
    I sure wouldn’t doubt it.
    So sad. So sick!

  5. WOW!!
    SOME ??
    “Liz Cheney THREATENS To DESTROY Republican Party If NEOCONS Can’t Get Rid Of Trump And MAGA! “

    • She is no longer a RINO, she is a full-fledged deranged far-left Democrat. Good riddance, you can have her and her Daddy. She needs to be officially kicked out of the Republican party. The really good thing is she will never hold another Republican office again. She’s arrogant and demented enough to think she can take down the Republican party. What a loser.

  6. Chenny is the corrupt one! She is a war monger! She hates most hardworking Americans! She is truly an evil person. She is totally full of hate for Mr. Trump and any republican that supports him.

  7. Trump was president for 4 years and he did the right thing for the citizens of our country so why are these sub humans trying to destroy him,the only thing is because he puts America first unlike the war mongers on the left,when it comes to corruption and greed they don’t want anyone who is a threat to stopping this anti-american administration from destroying the country and turning it into a third world socialist country,they will do anything to keep thier power,Trump 2024

  8. Oh yeah, Liz should go hunting with her daddy. Maybe he’ll shoot her. Dick (the prick) shot one of his hunting buddies and nothing happened to him. If one of us peasants did it, we’d be sued for everything we own and we’d be in jail.

  9. Liz is seriously in need of mental help. The GOP in Congress rejected her as did the voters in the GOP Primary by an gigantic margin. It is clear her weak mind was taken over by Nancy Pelosi and that she needs serious deprogramming along with a lot of rest and isolation if she is ever to get her head back on straight. Right now she is nothing but a raving lunatic.


    Here’s a thought. Let’s set up a shill for the ULTRA LIBERAL left that NO ONE would vote for in the primaries.. She didn’t have a chance! Guess the vote for “Democracy” actually would end up pleasing Daddy who is a Marxist professor. Would be like electing one of the “SQUAD”. Clueless with no real solutions to problems she helped to create. Obama still has his hand at the controls on the road to ( as he said) “Fundamentally Changing America”.

  11. HOW DARE ANY OF THESE SELFISH, REVOLTING, BLUENOSE HYPOCRITES THINK they have any right to tell half the Nation how they should vote !!! HOW we should make our choices. . .
    AFTER GIVING US the worst President in history, they want to destroy US? X#@ZX#/! WHAT GALL !


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