Letitia James Plan BACKFIRES – She Just Gave EVERYTHING To Trump!



I’m praying for President Trump and his lovely family, God bless all,

Everything Trump touches turns to gold and everything democrats touch turns into a dumpster fire, literally.


  1. I hope at the end of this trump sues James, engoron, the city of NY and the state of New York for a couple hundred billion dollars. then offers to give half of it back if the state fires, cancels the pensions of everyone involved and revoked all licenses for all of them.

  2. All three of these ( Letitia, Fani and the poltergeist judge Engoron ) should be removed immediately for their unprofessional behavior and not having solid evidence of wrongdoings when it comes to President Trump. All of them are making things up as they go along, the liberal media sends it out and it’s all lies. It’s disgraceful that these people have jobs that are for truth and justice but all they do is make money off of the lies. All three should be fully investigated to see what kind of corruption they have committed.

  3. James, Willis, Bragg, and the Kangaroo Court Judges all need to be disbarred and sent to Prison for no less than 20 years without any possibility of parole or pardon !

  4. You know, George, It is odd that all the racism comes from the likes of them and of course, let’s not forget the 2 biggest racists in the world are Liar Obummmma and Rev. Alexa Sharpton !

  5. Funny how all the black women Biden hired all are bat sh#t crazy and as corrupt as their white masters. Just look at all them and how their helping to destroying our country for the far left Communist democrat party. There’s the white privileges for you. When racist whites can hire corrupt blacks to do their dirty work for them, should tell you all you need to know about them and their plans for us all. They will throw them blacks under the bus when done with them. It’s called white privileges for a reason. guess these blacks dont see it, or just dont care. Hope the money was worth it. the democrats don’t care, they used our tax dollars to pay off these idoits.

  6. You have a bunch of jerks providing these comments, which is a major reason why we need to get Trump away from any form of office or influence. Leavenworth?

  7. Shuggs and Old Wolf, you guys are always right on with your assessments.

    Just watched Lieticia James deny running to get Trump, then watch video of her saying she is running to keep Trump out of office! WTF??

    This is one wacky woman, or whatever she is. She is a man-hater and anti white racist!

  8. Sorry Carmine but you are soooo wrong and if you go to any Communist country I know you will change your mind. President Trump is a true Patriot.


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