Letitia James’ Case Against Trump Just Got BLOWN APART!!!


Trump’s Bankers Assert That His Overstated Wealth Did Not Impact Loan Decisions.

Despite recent revelations concerning former U.S President Donald Trump’s exaggerated net worth, his bankers have come forward to clarify that the inaccurate figures did not impact their loan decision-making processes. The former president’s financial dealings and the true extent of his wealth have been thrust into the spotlight once again following a review by the New York Times which showed that Trump’s self-declared net worth was significantly higher than what was reported in official documents.

In response to the controversy, several of Donald Trump’s banking institutions have released statements emphasizing that his inflated claims regarding wealth did not affect their loan decisions or their relationship with him during his time as a customer. Bank of America, Signature Bank, and Deutsche Bank are among those who have publicly stated their stance on the matter.

Dr. Steve Turley discusses this in the youtube video below:


After Trump is acquitted, he needs to sue the DA, New York City, the judge, the media and lawyers

When Trump is acquitted, sue the judge and the AG into destitution.


  1. I have bought 8 houses the bank appraised the houses and checked my finances , never to my word for anything and I had to pay for the appraisal.

    • Yes she is – but starting with FBI agents lying to congress and the FBI, trying to set up frames of Trump supporters to pressure them with prosecutions if they did not give them some dirt on Trump, illegal FISA warrants in order to bug Trump’s communications – on and on NOBODY GETs PROSECUTED IF he/she is a proper Trump Loather!!

  2. Pres. Trump needs to quickly press charges against Letita, the judge, the media, NY City, and lawyers who have falsely charged him. Esp. that
    goofy, stupid looking judge!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. He needs to sue because that seems to be the only way to get this sort of dirty politics STOPPED! I don’t understand it at all – I thought that DAs, Prosecutors – whatever, could not go digging around in anyone’s life without some accusation or evidence of a crime. They actually seem to have Trump in court and their is not even evidence or an accusation of a crime at this time!!??? Aren’t we protected in any way by the law????

  4. Predident Trump please don’t them let Go without the pain and suffering to your loved American people ! To you and your wonderful family.We suffered with you becauze we saw how evil it’s the Democrats!!!!Our Preyers to our Savoir !!!were Heard !!!!!!.HALELUIAH,HALELUIAH, HALELUIAH .🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘❤️❤️❤️❤️


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