Letitia James BACKFIRE: Trump Fine PROVES Her Guilt



These types of people are the reason Judges are supposed to be impartial and follow the “letter of the law”. This is a total disgrace and a slap in the face to all Americans and our judicial system.

Leticia James is an absolute disgrace


  1. Sounds like they are talking about Puppet Biden!!! All this is, is Election Interference! They will do anything to try to stop the Uncorruptable, Successful Business Man that has Knowledge to Make America Strong Again.

  2. James is the southern sheriff/judge/mayor that democrats love to provide verbal images of to imply all white people are racists. well I guess now all black people are racists.

  3. She needs to be prosecuted just like the stupid woman in Georgia who is simply doing this to get attention. Maybe President Trump can sue the state of New York for at least a billion dollars.

  4. I saw Piers Morgan (very intelligent) remark on this 355 million judgement against President Trump, he stated that no fraud was committed, that EVERY business over estimates the value of a property when applying for loans etc from banks.
    The other point he made was that NO ONE LOST MONEY during these transactions. We know why this even became an issue, demoncrats are pulling every sick stunt out of their garbage bags to interfere with the coming election!!
    Sorry, was a bit off topic.

  5. OMG that Letitia James is a fkng btch, did u see those fkng people all applauding for that nasty btch, This is ridiculous they totally illegally just to decide hey NY is fked up let’s get sm money from Trump probably her and the pc of shit judge will split the money, there was no jury r u kidding wow people if these democrats can do this shit to Trump I can imagine what they will do to the people of NY, crooked, crooked pcs of shit u people put in office. Also Trump is gng to win president, 2024. All you liberals will be in a world of shit, what goes around comes around. I hope all of you get indited and he puts u in jail and takes all your frigging money.

  6. Since she hates white people according to her chant every white person who owns a business in NY pull it out. Everyone who was going to move a business there Don’t. Let’s take the state of NY down. Let’s give her what she wants a HELL hole like California thanks to Newsom & what he has done there. If you are a patriot & can do it get out of NY. If you own a business there pull it out go to Texas Florida anywhere else but there. It’s time for her & the state to reap what they have sown.
    Preferably I’d like to see her 6′ under but totally ruining her & that stupid judge plus the state is the best revenge. Take them & the state down. Take everything you can Trump from all the loones running the state & finally destroy the state of NY.

  7. Leticia James and Judge Nudie are a disgrace to the justice system. I pray it all backfires on them and that Pres Trump soars right back into the White House. We must get rid of all the corrupt Biden administration and all those anti American people.

  8. James and Engoron need to be disbarred, lose their law licenses, and have to pay Trump triple the amount of the fines they leveled against him! That is just for starters, then disbar Fatty Willis and her lover Wade, make them pay restitution to Trump for filing false cases against him, then disbar Bragg and make him pay restitution to Trump for filing false charges. That might wake up the judiciary system to follow the law, instead of following Biden and obama’s directives. Is there even one judge with the cojones to toss these illegal court filings?


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