the age old question. does being a liberal make you crazy or do crazy people become liberals?
I do not understand why the Gay Community feels that Society has to accept them.
the age old question. does being a liberal make you crazy or do crazy people become liberals?
I do not understand why the Gay Community feels that Society has to accept them.
I agree- they decided to walk on the side of divination from society- so why to the rest of us who follow Gods plan for mankind have to bend over backwards to accommodate them???there is not a gene found in a body for “homosexual”- so it is by CHOICE that they live their way!!!
Yes, it is THEIR choice and they should have the same rights and RESPECT that we all enjoy. Your comment is just downright nasty. I can envision you clutching your stupid pearls. Pious biatch who JUDGES others.
Hawhawhaw great sarcasm!
Be nice now fag
You guys are just mad at God it says in the Bible that homosexuality is an Abomination that’s what you’re upset about and you think you can make us all accept it and you know way know how buddy not going to happen you people are sick you’re emotionally and mentally ill and spiritually ill and you’re going to pay for your sins if you don’t get right with Jesus
What would Jesus do? He was kind to sinners. Love the Sinner, hate the sin. No all Gays and lesbians are unabashed sinners. They only make up 12% of the population, not counting the children who are undecided. So in the world of Sin, I would guess that Straight people outnumber the Gays and Lesbians in the world of Sin. That being said, the lesbian lover that was once a parent is responsible for Child support. But, she’s probably better off just going to welfare to get support for her child. She doesn’t want to be tied to a selfish woman who could just walk away from a child she made possible to come into this world. Now, that’s evil to do that to a child.
they should not be pushing their abnormal lifestyle on others. Its like my being big busted and flaunting it like they are at being gay.
Extrapolate – blood donors, organ donors, etc.
How far are we going to go with our litigations ?
Could this potential action diminish the number of blood or organ donors, needed for life-saving medical procedures ?
What about a person that passes away who donated their sperm, blood, or organs, and now the estate gets sued ?
Donors of any kind should, I believe, be isolated from any form of litigation, unless there has been misrepresentation, or deceit.
There should be two different pools one pool for vaccinated people and another Pool for unvaccinated people but no one on here is going to admit that cuz most of them were part of the 87% that took the mark
This podcast is as foolish as any woman who expects an anonymous sperm donor to pay child support. Nothing but nonsense.
…how sad. This woman is a grifter…who needs to be called out. However, my Daughter and her wife have had two children from IVF. Aside from the “Turkey Baster” joke…my Grandchildren are beautiful, wonderful kids….and their Mothers do all they can to protect them and to raise them to be happy, contented adults…regardless of the sexual identity they may eventually present. My daughter and her wife are very productive, healthy people who provide very well for their family …and are quite successful from a financial perspective. There is no abuse in the home, there is no violence in the home…the kids do well in school…and other than the Homosexual nature of their relationship …they are great parents doing what comes naturally…being a parent. How sad that others have to abuse that situation. Because of my Daughter’s relationship with her wife…there are two wonderful kids on the planet, growing up in a great environment. I see no “abuse” in that situation. No drugs, no abuse, no violence…a stable home and parents who love them to dearly. How is that bad? Some of you need to grow up.
For those out there who might not be aware, being gay isn’t a lifestyle but a life. It’s been medically and scientifically proven that this isn’t a lifestyle choice but is determined in the womb before birth and is the same as being born straight. Think agout it: why would anybody choose a so called ‘lifestyle’ that opened them to being discriminated in employemnt and housing to name two things and being, public ridicule, assaulted or even killed for being gay? And as far as anonomous sperm donation, this is done to protect all parties involved from any future legal obligation. Legally speaking, donations of human tissue, sperm included, blood and organs (harvested post mortem) are exempt from lawsuits from the family members of the person making the donations, as long as they were not donated with intention to defraud or against their will. This is one of the reasons people have do not rescussitate orders if there’s no hope for survival in case of tragic accident or incurable illness. The same is true for organ harvesting as well. Certain religions forbid organ donation as the body must be complete for burial of interrment.
The Queers and Lezbows need to keep their perversion to them selves in private !
I for one do not want to see them swapping spit out in the open !
It’s the government / Democrats, shoving that lifestyle in our face, not the avg. Gay or lesbian. I believe most of them just want to be left alone.
I’ve heard the idea of a destiny of identity many times. People want to blame their DNA for their feelings of being somebody in the wrong body. For the most part that has been recognized as Dysphoria, a mental disorder, in mental health “manuals”. Today everything is in disarray. It does not matter that DNA is rarely, if ever, the reason. Multiple activated sequences are often a degradation rather than an actual change. The reports about “trans men” having babies are nonsense. The genetic women keep their natural reproductive organs while the other “trans” surgeries and chemical alterations are being used to “transform” them into synthetic “men”. Who we feel good about being with mentally and sexually can be the right choice or the wrong one. Today many people are “omni-sexual” If It’s sexual, count them in. The entire creation has reproduction as the purpose of sex. In some ways we are all changing as we go through life. Who we are is often different than who we want to be. That fact is whatever we do right or wrong will have consequences. We should choose the right. It is better for our bodies to live with what we have. Constant maintenance with chemicals for the rest of their lives is one price they pay.
The sperm donor is not on the birth certificate either, so it is the same as her partner who is not on the certificate.
Do you have any insight as to why we are seeing an increase in gay people?
This woman must be insane to think that a sperm donor would have to support her child. I’m sure when the donor participates he signed something that protects him from such nonsense. On the other hand, I don’t understand the fact that you would make fun of a person because of her identity, that being a lesbian. We may not agree with their choices, but it doesn’t exclude them from being a good parent..
The sperm donor has NO obligation to the child! She decided to go that route, so it is up to HER to support the child. What an insane notion! No court would hold the donor liable for child support. And——- I don’t think gays should be able to adopt children, or have in vitro fertilization. They are bringing an innocent child into a sick lifestyle.
Legally speaking to educate people unaware of the legality of such matters. A sperm donor like a blood donor donates their tissue anonomously. In the case of a sperm donor, each donation is numbered and catalogued after donation and tested for the genetic characteristics of the donor as well as any transmissable diseases before being accepted and frozen for future use. If transmissable diseases such as an STI, viral infections such as hepatitis or herpes HIV etc. or a genetic mutation are found, the donation is destroyed. If on the other hand the donation is clean and disease free and has no genetic mutations, it’s numbered and catalogued for future reference and frozen in a glass ampule in liquid nitrogen for future donation. Many men do this to ensure continuation of their gene pool in the event of disease or divorce to ensure future children with a new spouse. Some of the donations at a sperm bank are used for anonomous donation to straight, married women who’s husbands are infertile as well as single women who want to have kids but don’t have a current male partner or in this case lesbians who want kids and for obvious reasons not involved with men.