Kamala Struggles to Hide Her Anger as Press Asks Her This Question



What she meant to say is, “We cheated before, we will cheat again.” There, I fixed it.

She can hide her anger, but she can’t hide her incompetence.


  1. I don’t know what this moron is having a hissy-fit over! Frankly, if she thinks that she’s legally qualified to be President of the United States, she really has NO BUSINESS AT ALL being involved in any political system! Why???? Her parents migrated from INDIA to CANADA. She was BORN IN CANADA. The Constitution is clear. In order to hold the office of president of our country, you MUST BE a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN…. And no one, especially Kamala is even talking about this. She actually had NO BUSINESS being appointed as VP for that matter and folks, let’s be honest! She’s not even qualified mentally, or experience-wise. Presently, we have Russian nuclear subs and warships off the coast of Florida, we have a moron in the White House poking the bull in the balls by lobbing missiles into Russia… Do you really want this worthless slug with her fingers in the nuclear football codes? Do you expect she can deal with the likes of Putin and Xi??? Get real!

    • I think you best check your facts, she was born in Oakland CA. To be clear, I do not like her one bit, and we all know how she climbed the political ladder. But your statement about her qualification to run/be President is false data.

  2. This bimbo can’t deal with Joe or life with out crying or lying. It is a typical DEMOCRAT who hates America, has no spine and dose not care if this country is destroyed. When they passed out brains she thought they said trains and got an electric one. Problem is she can not find an outlet.

    • I SO strongly disagree with you. I am sorry you can’t be civil, hiding behind a pseudonym. Perhaps you are educated enough to know what that is?!
      Jan…my real name.

    • Thanks Nav Vet for the laughs . It made my day and coming from San Francisco, heels ups former stomping ground, I was shocked that she got in. On the other hand, not really shocked as most of the people here are idiots and would vote for the scarecrow of oz if it was running, sad to say. This is evidence the people here are very slow learners and haven’t had enough pain. They continually elect liberals who do nothing for them to improve the quality of life but extend the middle finger behind their backs to the fools who vote for them and do ZIPPO to improve things.

  3. The Morons are you and those who think like you!
    Who made you judge,and qualified to determine if our VP is able to run this country? We definitely know who has torn the use to be the Republican party and this country apart Donald Trump the convicted felon and his cronies!! I hope you are rich and don’t plan getting old and need your social security and health care to survive, with Trump you are as good as dead!!!!

    • Mark my words – Dementia Joe will drop out by August 19th, and announce his endorsement of Governor Gavin Newsom! In order to defeat Trump. Personally I’m more impressed with Florida Governor Rick DeSantis resume. Very impressive. Compared with Governor Gavin Newsom, DeSantis is far superior. Newscom is for Transgender medical surgery even as a young child. Taking the rights of parents out off their hands. Making it possible for illegals get financial help while Americans continue to lose their homes, or live on the streets like our American Veterans. Gavin won’t stop the illegals crossing our Borders. Diff you know that China owns billions of US farm land? And they are strategically close to our Military installations? That China owns 69% of the Worlds food supply? That since 2020 about 30,000 illegal Chinese immigrants have crossed our Southern Borders (since 2010-2020 only about 4,000 illegal Chinese came across our Borders)where they were given a map to show where to go and how in order to reach our Country? Wake up!

    • Hunter Biden is a convicted felon. Trumps charges are being dropped right and left. I am collecting social security and still working at 70 since Joe Biden is killing me with high inflation. Can’t hardly buy groceries any more, so I’m literlly am being starved under this adminstration. Maybe if all of the illeagles, felons, gang members wouldn’t be getting cards with taxpayer money on them for their “basic needs”, maybe as an American I could have my rightful basic needs.

    • Gee Bonnie, if you think harris could run the country it’s one of 3 things that make her unacceptable: You evidently don’t live in California, San Francisco to be exact where to get where she is, she screwed willie brown (married at the time and is partially responsible for his divorce) to get the cities district attorney position despite not being qualified for the job. You’ve been smokng bad weed ( where legal ), or you’ve lost your mind. Harris is worse than joey bidee and most of aren’t willing to let this clown become president as she’s proved her ineptitude and incompetence as Vice President. Her days are coming to an end, by the grace of God. The American people for the most part have had their fill of the liberals and the issues we all know and are tired of being thrown under the bus. Shall I go on or do you need more evidence?

  4. I’ll take a falsely convicted president over a guilty as hell moron president or a cackling failure vp any day. So would the majority of patriotic Americans.

    • Sadly the numerous of both the REP and the DEM elected and wealthy US Citizens have sold the Chinese their soul for money. Both Trump and Biden are the worst candidates to be the POTUS, and VP Harris. White Americans will not let a African American women become the POTUS, especially Harris. Harris as the DEM candidate will ensure a win for the convicted felon Trump another term as the POTUS.

  5. I don’t understand “she stormed off in a rage”. I don’t see anything other than her usuals annoyed look/response to any time she’s given a question she doesn’t like.
    Kind of sensational to get clicks IMO

  6. “2 sheeps in wolves’ clothing.” Doubt Trump will improve our education system. (Punctuation: basic skill set.)

  7. Wow thanks for the writing lesson Victoria. You could probably get a job with the current brain dead moron running our country. He needs all the teleprompter help he can get.

  8. I guess heels up realizes her days as VP are coming to an end, hopefully by the grace of almighty God, come November 5th 2024 when she and joey bidee are done!. And this clown thinks she’s presidental material, yeah right when pigs fly and the moon is really made of green cheese. I just can’t stop laughing at this clown who does nothing, has done nothing since day one but does it and steps in it big time, everyday. You just can’t make stuff up like this, it’s too damned bizzare to comprehend, even by liberals who we all know are brain dead or brainless as they voted for this, wow! And the even stranger thing, they’ll still vote for joey bidee and heels up after 3+ years of getting nothing but the finger behind their backs form these clowns. Who can believe that people actally wasted their votes on this slow moving train wreck?


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