Judge Allows Trump To Sue ABC For Claiming He Is A GRapist.



They run accusations as straight facts.

If a judge is going to go against what a jury says, why is the jury even there?


  1. The mental gymnastics required for these enemies of freedom to find DJT guilty of SOMETHING/ANYTHING, and then demand he pay a king’s ransom for simply denying his guilt are an affront to the logical mind! Trump is a Gordian Knot type of guy who cuts through the BS!

  2. When will people ever understand that Donald Trump is just a spoiled rich boy who has never been held accountable for anything in his life? He is a draft dodger, he is a known adulterer, and a convicted sex abuser. He has also been convicted of fraudulent business practices. What more must be revealed about his lack of good character so his supporters can see him for who he is? Perhaps it is his racist rhetoric that appeals to them. For certain he is Not the saint he is made out to be. If he is examined closely it is apparent that his behavior and mindset are no more than that of a common criminal.

    • oh chuck, stop it! You know he is our only hope to save this country! Please he was held accountable for various fake crap. Aren’t you the least curious as to why they keep going after this guy……..maybe just maybe he is on to something! The government is sooo commie infiltrated right now…good lord wake up! No one is saying he is a saint but by God he is compared to Joe Biden, Kamala the commie, and Barack Obama, the divider, the destroyers of anything good! And the racist rhetoric, can you please state what he did or said that was racist??????? Your delusion and hate is irrational!!!

    • So what’s hiding in your closet that you don’t want anymore to know about? How would you feel about people scrutinizing everything about your life?

    • Why is it people like look past all the dirt that the Biden family has on them and degenerate laws they have put in place. If anyone has any sense of decency they could see that the trials that Trump has been through are one sided. You will loose everything and be in a bread line someday withe the democrates Marxist plans. Obviously you are watching the Federal judges they are appointing

  3. People understand ONE thing, there was and IS corruption! They manipulated the law to try to destroy him. If this had been any other state with legitimate judges and DAs it would never have done. Watch what you say!


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