Joy Behar IS OUT – ‘The View’ Host Pushes The One-Party To Unsuspecting Audience



If it wasn’t for Conservative channels..I’d know NOTHING about the witches of the View.

I blame Obama for all of this racist crap.


  1. hope this is true. first and moreimportantly: the view should have been cancelled long ago. how the network allows such hatred being spewed out of these overthe hill dames, is unbelievable.
    get rid of all the hate filled unhappy persons.

  2. The View us nothing more then the blm and antfia. All are payed for terrorists by the far left Communist democrat party. Their hole purpose is to cause trouble in the country by putting everyone against each other. And the fact they existed this long said it all as to the level they will go. If you need the lies of the view to tell you how to think and act then your a lost soul right up there next to them on the view. Just try to remember this come judgment day and dress for hot weather.

  3. Just another loser democRAT, Republicans get out and vote, don’t just complain about the retards that run this country, get off your asses , vote and change it

  4. The view should be cancelled period! Those old hens should be sent back to the barnyard. Behar is an idiot, oopsie Goldberg is worse, the rest of them are none too bright either. That show is a total waste of time and money for the studio. Very bigoted, nasty, un American! Shut it down!

  5. I never watched this show. Too political. Who gives them the right to talk about other people? They should sweep around their own back yard! I was taught if you can’t say anything good about someone,then don’t say anything at all! But what do I know? I was born in 1940!

    • Wanna bet! The dems love it when they badmouth republicans! They want us dead for what? Because we love Trump! They should be scared as Trump will fight for Americans! He will keep us safe and remove all the illegals! The demonrats pay every country with our taxpayer dollars to send us everyone of their criminals, how disgusting; they pay the cartel to destroy Americans!

  6. The view is highly overrated; all they do is bash the opposition with a bunch of lies, just like their party of evil! Whoopi and Joy should be immediately removed as only the liars in charge spew hate and blame it on everyone else! When Trump gets in there he will deal with each one of the pukes!

  7. When “Sleepy” talks about the previous president without mentioning names, he is really talking about his previous boss. Obama!

  8. “Shroomer” the cow patty sifter fits in perfect with this shady group of hens. Especially after trying to gaslight Israel into an insurrection to replace their own president! What a diabolical cunning group of individuals!

  9. why is joy behar on tv? she is ugly, and always was. she has no talent. she can not possibly have an high IQ given the stupid stuff she says. so why is she on tv?


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