Joy Behar Is Finished – ‘The View’ Host Risks Jail Joking Of Trump Death



Anyone else find it worrying how Dems keep talking-up Trump’s death?

Funny how these people never once called Trump a racist when he was a private citizen.


  1. Good description!! Imagine those people, all of them, being paid to spout their sick opinion. That sunny bitch is a piece of 💩

  2. Joy Behar Whoopi Goldberg and Kathy Griffen all threatened the life of Donald Trump and noe of those dried up bitches never got investigated. Can you imagine someone threatening a dumbass Democrat? That person would disappear from the planet. Tired of Biden and his Double tier of what they call”JUSTICE “ !!

    • Demonic rats canceled Free speech decades ago, unless it conforms to their worldview. Will riot over any conservative event.

  3. What makes you all so hateful?
    Maybe try following more Christ like instead of more like Satan. Stop this hate!! It doesn’t look good on you!
    It is destroying our country.

  4. This woman is Jewish, and do you think she says anything about the Hamas murderers? No, she is a hag that is destined for a car accident with no witnesses.

  5. The demise of these disgusting Biden lovers and Biden himself will be a pure pleasure and a lift for our country. It would be a great honor to see them gone and be burning in the pits of hell. If they can wish harmful things about President Trump then the same should be said about them.

  6. Here is a person who thinks she can make any threats…to anyone because she thinks she is above the law because of who she is..well toss her ass in jail and see how she feels about what she says…about death threats. When the women of cell block C beats her ass..

  7. Why is The View still on? They promote violence and beyound. They are a joke, and down grade republicans and President Trump. I don’t see why ABC still has them on, they are worse the Jerry Springers old show. People who watch this show are so brain washed and waste their day by watching garbage. Is this Chinese brainwashing? Is ABC just CHinese propaganda?


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