Joe Biden’s ‘new low’ after worst ever gaffe



Who’s surprised at any of his statements. He’s been doing it for over 50 years. 81 MILLION VOTES.

10% for the big guy, 60+ Billion for foreign wars, $2000 a month debit cards for illegal aliens, but more and more Americans homeless and struggling to keep up. FJB!


  1. When has Biden told the truth? NEVER! His lies and tall tales aren’t even entertaining! What a total shit show! And THIS is running our country? Not even close! OBAMA is, Joe is the front man stooge! What a national embarrassment! He makes us all look like fools on the world stage! That is what Obama wants, to make our country a laughing stock, destroyed from the inside! Get the old lying fool out of office!

  2. We were told for four years how dumb President Trumph was. By the press and it just spread around the world. Don’t feel so smug Britain. Your people picked up the chant from some of your political folks. And didn’t even want him to step foot in your country. Biden has been this way for a very long time with his stories. And his previous runs for president. But as long as he was just a Senator from Pennsylvania. He was fairly harmless. There’s something to look into. How did he keep getting in office for 50 years? I’m going to say that the last election that the media(TV) did not influence would be Eisenhower. I don’t think that Uncle Joe should have even been considered for this position in the first place. But ABC and all the rest couldn’t wait to get Trump out of there. Now we are slowly finding out that all the stories against him didn’t really have as much to do with Trump trying to take over the world as they wanted us to believe. The China Flu. Oil drilling, the border. But as before leave it to the tv reporters to latch onto a story and sway the election.Obama was gods gift. Clinton really cared and would never lie.What ever lie is. And Busch looked at his watch. So there’s no way he should be allowed to be. As far as that little thing goes. With their schedule and even something as symbolic as waiting for coffins to arrive. There maybe a meeting or phone call to be made later. Or just plane nervous. Besides that who wouldn’t wonder how long is Hillary going to talk?. Wasn’t she only supposed to have only so much time.I do want to mention something to you about England. When 9/11 struck the world’s senses. And your guards at the palace played the Star Spangled Banner. I was really emotionally taken with pride. What a wonderful thing to do. Thank you. 🙏 I tried writing to who ever I could.To tell your royalty and others. But I doubt if it ever was noticed.

  3. And this is who is in the WH. DisasterPLUS. He is either lying his head off or having a serious brain freeze also know as dementia people.

  4. We hear constant talk about our allies. A few years ago, there was some very serious flooding in Louisiana. Did we get help from England? NO. Did we get help from France? NO. Did we get help from any of our allies? NO! We did get help from another country that most definitely is NOT an ally. Russia, believe it or not. They sent temporary dwellings for victims of the flooding. Donald Trump was president. At that time we got along with Russia, China and North Korea to mention three. How many other countries are we getting along with now that dictator Biden is in office? NONE! Biden is a disaster and if it weren’t so serious he would just be a bad joke. When elected, Trump was given a great welcome by Saudi Arabia which by all reports hates our guts. Biden was practically ignored. I’d think that would tell the damn fools who blindly voted for our dictator in chief something about how wrong they were.


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