Jim Caviezel on Darkness, the Devil, Heath Ledger, and Sacrifice



As a Catholic, I cannot imagine acting in a film portraying Jesus. I’d worry deeply about offending God. I worry about all the Satanists and occultists in Hollywood. I applaud and admire Jim for taking on a role like that. The risks one takes. It’s no joke…

It broke my heart when I had to hear my young children in pain. Even now that they are adults, I would still feel that same anguish. I can’t fathom what abducted and abused child would have to endure, or how their screams of pain would affect me.

I regret to say that hatred and vengeance would consume me. Even now I am thinking of sadistic ways I would deal with these traffickers. But I have been consumed by that evil before…under the guise of country and honor. It is hubris in the highest degree to think my actions, as evil as they have been, would be justified by vengeance, rage, and violence…because I thought I was on the side of the righteous.

This is the evil Mr. Caviezel is talking about. And his solution…to go to God…this is the only way to steel yourself against such evil. If only I had done the same.

I had respect for Mr. Caviezel before this…now it is tenfold.

Thank you for sharing this Mr. Peterson.


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