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Is This The Same Person?

Is This The Same Person?


Rumors and speculations surrounding US President Joe Biden’s health have been making rounds on social media platforms, with many users questioning whether or not he has a body double. This article will delve into the mystery behind these allegations, examining both sides of the argument to determine if there is any truth to these claims.

Proponents of the theory that President Biden uses a body double argue that his actions and demeanor have shown drastic changes over time. They claim that these inconsistencies point towards the use of a lookalike stand-in to represent the president at various events. Some suggest that Biden’s health issues, such as his frequent gaffes or moments of apparent disorientation, support the theory that he is being impersonated.

JPReacts discusses it in the YouTube video below:


I was an art major and I did portraits. It isn’t just the ear. It’s the brow slope, eye socket placement, skull shape. But just use facial recognition software. That removes any doubt. My money says it’s 2 people.

If they were going to replace him, wouldn’t they pick someone who could form complete sentences?

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