Insider Scoop De Niro’s Political Tirade Costs Him More Than Just an Award



I have a choice De Zero and my choice is Trump!! Trump 2024 MAGA

Thanks de Niro for helping President Trump get closer to the WH


  1. De Niro really messed his nest on this one! Glad the backlash was swift! He will blame Trump, but it is his own doing, Trump was in the kangaroo court! Hope De Nutzo doesn’t get any more movie roles or awards, it would serve him right! Wonder how much Biden paid him to pull that stupid stunt, hope it was enough to get him through the bad times to come. I am STILL voting for Trump! GO MAGA!!!!!!!!

  2. Hollyweirdo, R. De niro has an uncurable disease called TDS, at his age,old,he must get medical help,immediately, or he will die a horrible,death with Trump renting space in his head,until it Get a life, bobby your going down hill fast,with a mental disease.

  3. What an ASSHOLE HE IS. Even his last wife DIVORCED THE ASSHOLE UNDER hostile circumstances. Who would live with such a sorry loser?

  4. De Niro showed his true colors. He’s an ignoramus. He obviously has dementia too. He called one of his assistants “a bitch”. De Niro is so wealthy, he’s unaffected by dopey Joe Biden’s disastrous inflationary policies, which us peasants are paying for each time to go to the gas station and grocery store.

  5. Does this washed up clown actually think that WE the people of the usa want HIS opinion on important political issues that will impact our lives and our kids lives ? his hateful insults about Trump incited the crowd he had to be CARRIED OFF HIS DUMB LITTLE SOAPBOX He is owned and operated by Soros crime mob along with Hillary Gates Fauci Biden crime clan hey ho Biden the diaper boy must go

  6. Hope De Niro enjoyed his LAST acting job playing a vicious rabid lunatic cause he wont be gettin anymore jobs after this display hes mental hes a washed up loser


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