Holy CRAP… Trump actually did this on a live stream lol



As a card-carrying Democrat, I never saw Kamala as a choice for President on my ballot, I saw her listed as Bidens VP. I would not have voted for Biden and did not select Harris. I have been told I will vote for her , so in the spirit of no means no, I will vote for Trump.

I would vote for the Three stooges before I would vote for obamala harris.
MAGA HERE and proud of it Trump 2024


  1. I will ask this question again and again, What positions do the Harris/Wall ticket stand for? What is there position on energy? What will they specifically do to lower inflation and costs? What will they do in regards to taxes? And the list goes on. Come out of the closet Kamala and tell us.

    • Nooooooooooooo, lock her in the closet and don’t let her out until after the election. I cringe every time I hear her voice.

    • trump was president at one time, please list his accomplishment other than tax cuts for the rich and overturning Roe.

  2. The answers to the Democratic program are simple; Deny all rights, put black gangs in power, Loot your retirement fund, lower minimum wage so you can compete with illegal immigrants for a job, take control of all US currency with the digital dollar, de fund police, support Muslim take over. create a monopoly designed to control all industrial corporations and destroy food sources to starve citizens into submission. Thank you Demorats

      • In the words of John Wayne “Hardly “! I wouldn’t vote for Harris if she offered me a million bucks and my own private island!! Democrats want to enslave you take away your guns your rights your freedoms. They want abortion on demand even killing the babies at term that is murder!

    • Did democrats have to steal an election to make you look dumb as hell. trump went to court 61 times and was rejected 60 times, so for you to claim something that didn’t happen makes me think you are one of the uneducated that trump loves.

      • May be uneducated as you say but I know what pedofile Biden and and the demorats have done to our country if you are a biden and Harris lover that loves the way our country is today may God have mercy on us cause we sure do need it


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