For the integrity of the news media in all its forms. All news media in all it’s forms should make a blanket statement that Adam Schmidt will only be allowed on the show to present the information in full that he said he had proving (President Trump it will take this long for them to implement this) was in collusion with Russia Valdimir Putin to win the 2016 election together President Trump and Vladimir Vladimir Putin colluded to rig the 2016 election in President Trump’s Favor.
Until Adam Schift presents such documents to each news source in advance (for verification) after such time the news media company will determine if the documents along with Adam Schift’s presences is required for further review by the public live broadcast on their station.
For the integrity of the news media in all its forms. All news media in all it’s forms should make a blanket statement that Adam Schmidt will only be allowed on the show to present the information in full that he said he had proving (President Trump it will take this long for them to implement this) was in collusion with Russia Valdimir Putin to win the 2016 election together President Trump and Vladimir Vladimir Putin colluded to rig the 2016 election in President Trump’s Favor.
Until Adam Schift presents such documents to each news source in advance (for verification) after such time the news media company will determine if the documents along with Adam Schift’s presences is required for further review by the public live broadcast on their station.