GM Just Announced Their Leaving America and Firing Their Workers



“They take the bailout from the government.”

The bailout was from the taxpayers,.

GM probably don’t mind if you never buy a GM car, since the government has already paid them from the taxes they stole from you.


  1. Typical Bidenomics. How stupid can they get ? This is why the puppet and this government need to be removed.And have the power restored to the people.

  2. EVs are the ultimate throwaway cars. When something goes wrong, or you need a very expensive new battery, you’ll simply junk the car and buy a new one. Poor and middle class folks won’t be able to afford a new EV. Used EVs will be worthless.

  3. This shouldnt come as a surprise. Dont forget, Obama bailed out GM 10 years ago and they took the bail out money and built plants in China. Their new Cadillac opening was hailed on youtube. The new Chinese XT6 debuts this year.

  4. Evil – Why does this time of evil on this earth exist? Would you like to know why? Really, it is very simple. This started some 6,000 years ago in the Garden of Eden (which is the ONLY paradise mentioned for us in the Bible). Adam and Eve were created perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4 The Rock, perfect is his activity [the Rock here refers to our Heavenly Father]). Everything the Father does is done perfectly and this includes His creative work. Plus, Adam and Eve had the tree of life in the Garden, and, the blessing given to them and all of their descendents in Genesis 1:28 included eternal life here on this planet, which is guaranteed in many verses to exist forever.
    How does someone lose perfection? By a deliberate action (sin) that destroyed their perfection & their relationship, which is required to be able to live forever, with the Father. We are told in 1 Timothy 2:14 that Adam was the guilty party; NOT Eve. The other offending party was Satan, who told the first lie ever spoken in the Father’s creation. We are also told in the Bible (Rev. 12:4) that 1/3 of the Angels in Heaven followed Satan in his rebellion against the Father. Please note this verse; Genesis 3:23 With that Jehovah God expelled him from the garden of Eʹden to cultivate the ground from which he had been taken. 24 So he drove the man out, and he posted at the east of the garden of Eʹden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning continuously to guard the way to the tree of life.
    (Please note this verse from the Authorized King James Bible; Psalm 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. [The most Holy Name Jehovah occurs more than 7,000 times in the original Scriptures, of which we now have more than 8,000 examples/copies of which have been found over the last 140 or so years and which date as far back as 150 years before the birth of Jesus on the earth.])
    In other words, Adam and Eve were expelled from the Father’s family, and so were Satan and, later, the rebellious angels who followed Satan and who are now demonic in nature. – The full info about evil is about 3 pages. If you would like to have a free copy of the info sent to you, please email me and request it. If you would like to know more about the Bible, please ask or email me your question(s). Also, I can direct you to a free online Bible study course where you can study the Bible at your convenience, please request the link via email; [email protected].

  5. I know a guy who had a Toyota Prius. I’ll grant that the car gave good service since he put 400,000 miles on it. But here’s the catch. When he had to put a new battery in it, the new battery cost more than the car was worth. Now, when/if GM moves it will no doubt be out of self defense and survival, thanks to Biden and his communist – or perhaps fascist ways. In closing I want to thank the stupid fools who blindly voted for Biden without even checking his anti-American past record. THANKS FOR HELPING OUR ONCE FREE NATION!

  6. well the democrats/environmentalist/EPA have been workign toward this since 1968. they finally did it.

    Don’t you just love is when a democrat plan comes together.


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