George Soros’ Kid Posts Trump Assassination Threat on Twitter



Is the Secret Service going to act on this? Soros should be arrested.

Trumps first act as president should be to pardon Assange, arrest G. And A. Soros and put them in the same cell Assange vacated.


    • You do not understand, A.and G.Soros are both democrats. Georgie is wanted in his home land for crimes against that country and has been told if he ever sets foot there again he wont take three steps before being killed. Just the kind of person America dose not need. Much like the squad, Biden, Harris and all democrats along with all Rinos. Lock and load, the second civil war is coming

  1. Soros and his satan spawn son should loose their citizenship and be deported back to Hungary to face charges there. We have slick Willy Clinton to thank for giving the old Nazi citizenship in the first place! All the top demonrats are in cahoots with Soros, Obama, Biden, Piglosi, Schumer, schiff and others, too many to mention. They should all be up on charges of treason and sedition. Don’t forget slick willy and kankles Clinton. We have to clear our country of these traitors, the sooner, the better!

  2. Beadie eyed scum ass Soros better watch he doesn’t get his ass blown away. Both him and his scum father should be put in front of a firing squad. Disgusting pieces of shit.

  3. why isn’t the secret service and fbi arresting this guy?

    the fbi arrested an old man for a far less clear threat against biden two years ago. They put the old man away for years. why is this threat so acceptable?

    By the way why hasn’t the fbi arrested all the fbi agents who signed the letter lying to american about the laptop? It was clearly a case of conspiracy to defraud the american people and it was mean to disrupt the election. they claim those things are treason when conservatives do them.

  4. He should be prosecuted for trying to put a Horrible idea of Assignation on Trump-Once planted in some deviate person Mind could have a catastrophe outcome-Shaame on those who plant these ideas on socials media

  5. All of these post are right but you have to remember that Trump is a republican who loves his country, its people its constitution and the rule of law. Democrats don’t have any of these attributes. They are only interested in destroying Trump with fake charges, our country, our constitution and breaking the law. Only one way to stop it put all democrats in prison for treason, period.

  6. Looking at the pic, I immediately noticed the son had his finger on the trigger. Is he intending on shooting his father? That needs to be investigated by law enforcement.
    I believe that threats to sitting presidents is a felony. Are threats to past presidents treated in the same way?

  7. Threatening to assassinate our next president,Trump, is no laughing matter,but this eletist,jackass needs to be investigated, for this stupidity of threats,u get people killed,like yourself.

  8. Soros has a history of killing people going back to world war 2. He led the nazis to where the jews were hiding that led tousands to their deaths.He also told the nazis where tey had hid all their money. When germany was liberated and the allied forces were going to arrest him he sai let me go and he would tell them where the nazis were hiding. Not he money. Ever wonder where soros got all his money. When questioned about all that after the war his answer was why not if he didn’t do it someone else would have. Slime bag that deserves the death penalty.


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