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Gender Pay Gap Hearing Goes Horribly Wrong!

Gender Pay Gap Hearing Goes Horribly Wrong!



She’s basically saying “we fudge the numbers to get the outcome we want.”

I had a woman “friend” argue with me that she should make as much as I do. She’s a secretary in a dental office on salary. I’m a truck driver in the northern Canadian oil patch, paid by the hour.

She works 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, with practically zero overtime.

I work 10-14 hr days, up to 6 days a week.

She sits in an office typing on a computer and answering phones.

I sit in a 125K lb vehicle, pounding up and down ice covered logging roads, require a course and license to do my job, require medical exams every 5 years, require upwards of 30 different orientations and various “tickets” just to be able to walk on the sites I work on. Many of those “tickets” I don’t even get paid for. Sites I work on can be extremely dangerous with anything from heavy trucks and equipment moving around, to temperatures approaching -40°C, to gases that could kill me in a heartbeat, either by explosion, or inhalation.

But somehow, she thinks we should make the same money every year.

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