Gavin Is Done – State Farm’s ULTIMATUM To California Could End Newsom’s Presidential Hopes



I am so tired of all this BS in California!!!!!

People that never lived in Cali have no idea how amazing it was back in my day. (80s and 90s Bay Area) It really had a special energy and excitement no matter what we went thru. I hate being tribal, but Dems totally ruined it.


  1. god and his globalists and his demonrat criminal party and his demonrat criminal voters and all of his CRIMINAL organizations destroyed globalist puppet, demonrat criminal party run/ruined ca and now their globalist puppet, god worshiping, demonrat voters will move to another state and destroy that state .

  2. Agreed but, the other side of the coin is that the insurance companies never speak of the profits from insurance premiums in the same conversation as the losses.
    In Florida the carriers have taken in $1.5 trillion in premiums from homeowners since 2005. They have paid out on all types of claims, homeowners, auto, business, and rentals policies a mere $260 billion. That equals $1.24 trillion in profits. Let’s start the real conversation regarding profit and loss by State Farm in California.

  3. The people complain about how the dictator governor Newsom is destroying California but come election time they will vote him in again,if the liberals stop voting blue then maybe they will see the change they want until then it’s nobodys fault but thier own

  4. Governor Gav, the renowned California Pretty Boy, is PRAYING that he’ll be tapped to be the Democrapic nominee for President …what a JOKE ! Can’t wait for him to gloss himself for all the accomplishments (?) he has provided the citizens of the (FORMER) Golden State … I left in 2012 — best move of my Life !

    • I was born (1954) and raised in CA. Retired last year and couldn’t wait to get out of the commie state. “Grabby” Gav is a China puppet

  5. I lived in Kali from 1973 to 1994 in Lake Tahoe, every dumbocrap governor was to blame, through stupid policies, and just bad management of it’s forests, water management, and every other thing they ruined in the great state. It has turned into a shithole, of a unlivable state. I moved because fires, not earthquakes, this state has been destroyed by jackass, newsom and his minions. u must be crazy to think this guy, could be president, what a joke.

  6. If most California residents aren’t stupid, then their elections are rigged just like the 2020 presidential election was rigged and prevented the Trump victory as he had the most legal votes.


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