Fox News ENDS Kamala’s Campaign LIVE ON AIR! Kamala Left SHAKING, Staffers Scream: ‘CUT THE FEED!’



Who else can’t stand her voice anymore ?

How many here believe she is a psychopath?


  1. She is a squalking lunatic! That cackle alone turns people off! Can’t you see Putin’s reaction? He would chew her up and spit her out! Kim Jung Un would just walk away. She has NO social skills, NO political skills, she is another Obama puppet! She is too inept to be in our White House! We need Trump to take our country back from the Soros/Obama cabal! GO MAGA!!!!!

    • She did not address the question of why she permitted millions of undocumented individuals into America despite her stance that she represents all Americans. I think minion.

    • Huh? What are you talking about? You’re out of your mind, knowing and hearing her interview like the most stupidest speeches that don’t make any senses. It’s is very obvious that she does not have any plans for America. She is just a dumb and stupid candidate running for president of America? She absolutely have nothing to offer to America with zero abilities.

    • Omg. She lied the entire time, she wasn’t poised she was frozen in her fear of making a fool of herself which she did as usual. With ZERO to offer keep basking the opponent. Or as dad used to say as an attorney ” if you have zero defense go on the offensive .

      • Bashing, sorry. Every other word out of that HUGE MOUTH was trump. We “all know”, as she said. Just why wlie promoted her. And she’s already thrown him under.
        .pun intended. Read the story.

  2. That new phase “let me finish “ that came from when she used to work San Francisco…ha ha ha..I saw what everyone else saw this woman has a lot of hate and anger that she hides which explains why she goes through so many aids and helpers..she is more suited for cleaning jobs like motels or hotels certainly not telling good people what to do


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