Can’t wear attire that supports a political candidate. But they want to let people vote with no I.D’s. Yeah this is clown world for sure.
She should face charges for voter intimidation
Can’t wear attire that supports a political candidate. But they want to let people vote with no I.D’s. Yeah this is clown world for sure.
She should face charges for voter intimidation
The reason people like her do what they do is because they can. They “ think” they can intimidate you, push you around and get away with it. If you react, YOU are in the wrong! That woman should have been fired and arrested for election interference! I bet if he had been wearing a Kamala hat she would not have said a word! This is NOT racist when I say blacks DO bully white people when they are in supposed positions of authority! Because they can!
They would not let people in the 49er game wearing a MAGA hat. The NFL is pissing me off again!
Like little brown shirts! Agree
Blacks bully anybody that they want to control if they think they have authority it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Blacks with authority are worst and harder on other black ppl. But she should of have made to leave the site.
They call Republican Nazis but this is what Hitlers goons did to voter sin Ger4many!
I thought you were not supposed to wear campaign clothing to the polls.
Whoever said that you can’t wear voter attire anywhere?
democraps are demons
I love to watch your podcast Twins pod. You are hilarious. Thank you guys.
Race and gender have been ginned up as leverage for political extortion with supposedly with the power of their vote decide that they can get the government to shakedown the whole rest of the country on their ” Oppressed” behalf. If violence is offered it is only a matter of time before violence is returned. We DO NOT want to go there.
This piggish woman should have been told by a supervisor or elections
official to stop the foolish denial of entry to vote.