Ex-CIA just SHOCKED the world with TERRIFYING new Trump prediction!



Remove CIA and FBI and

The CIA should be abolished and charged with treason


  1. The CIA/Deep State eliminated JFK and RFK. They will do the same to Trump. ‘The tree of Liberty needs to be refreshed with the blood of tyrants’ — Thomas Jefferson. Maybe it’s time to exercise our Second Amendment rights — again.

      • what’s wrong with you? sissy or coward. I am willing to fight to restore the republic. You willing to fight for a more socialist Amerika? I HAVE A DREAM (& ammo)

        • Amerika is here to stay. I am afraid it is too late. Voters that are totally oblivious to what goes around us, and blindly vote for a Party that no longer exists as such (the Democratic Party was taken over by the Communists a while ago), have enabled this aberration to stay in place.

  2. These same people have been trying to ruin this country for a very long time this guy was part of the Obama years and we all know how that turned out dont we?? Just look at how well off that whole crew of people are these days, Biden was put in there just so it would move in the same direction that that whole bunch profited off of just wonder what Obamas cut was in the money on skids in the middle of the night to Iran?And where has Valery Jarrett gone thats whos been calling the shots!

  3. Yeah Jarrett, Kenyonite, Biden, and the rest of the wrecking crew have
    been at it for long while planning and plotting againest Trump!!!Along
    with other undesirable actors!! Chomping at the bit to take down Trump
    before the election. They know that if Trump gets back in there will be
    a very different outcome for our country. It will take the next 4 yrs to
    weed out the undesirables that have been hard at work to destroy our
    country !!!! This must come to an end. Issue eviction notice to the
    current occupant….good riddens….no more laughing stock we will be!!
    Also what you said Janice…..very good question….we probably know
    the answer……

  4. John Brennan, General Milley are a pair of Self Appointed experts!
    Brennan swore the Biden laptop was Rusha, Rusha fake information
    while Milley betrayed his president and country by making unauthorized communication with his Chinese counterpart. Last thing Milley ranted about was that Rusha would be in and out of Ukraine in weekend, ahhhhh that was over a year ago! So much for self appointed “Experts”!


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