Even CNN is laughing!! lol it’s over



I hope Trump has a long memory after he is exonerated and becomes President in November.

I stand with Trump, do you America, Trump 2024.


  1. I watched the debate between Donald Trump and joey bidee as I had nothing better to do while preparing dinner. I had a bottle of good bubbly in the fridge and wanted to pop it but didn’t. As expected Trump moped the floor with joey. Trump acted like an adult and kept his cool (unlike in 2020 when both of them acted like brats on the school yard) all while joey blabbered and in some cases repeated what he just said trying to look good and competent. Too bad I don’t have a bookie in Vegas or I’d place some bets and make some extra much needed money in this crappy economy. Bottom line joey has done little to nothing for America and the American people ( who’s surprised at this, he’s done ZIPPO as a senator) and has had no measurable accomplishments and finally the American people are waking up (what the hell took so long, for the love of God?) and realize 4 more years of the last 3+ years under the liberals will be more of the same BULLS**T. Lots of people don’t like Trump for many reasons that I won’t go into here as they’re irrelevant. Trump is a businessman and not a politician and even though he’s has a few business failures, he gets right back up and perservers. In his 4 years as a legally elected president, he could have done some good things with his ideas if the liberals acted like adults and worked across the aisle (like it’s supposed to be) with the Republicans but instead threw temper tantrums like crybabies on the schoolyard and obstructed him every inch of the way and in the end nothing got done and and 4 years and billions of tax dollars were wasted on nonsense. And the show is just beginning, get the popcorn and beer,the mudslinging as it’s just about to start and will be more fun and laughs than a 3 ring circus or watching 3 Stooges comedy shorts. Save the good stuff for November 6th, the day after the election when Trump wins by a landslide. One more thing, the thought of joey and his clown cadre getting another 4 years to screw America deeper into the ground is truly frightening, to put things mildly. It’s truly sad what the liberals are doing with joey, to them he’s just a patsy and failing but the real outrage, what they’re doing and have been doing to America for years. If you still don’t get the liberals, come take a look and smell at San Francisco, the one time jewel of the former golden state now only golden in the piss and SHIT littering and stinking up the city parks, sidewalks and streets making some neighborhoods biohazards. This is liberalism at it’s finest, see and smell the destruction and the even bigger kicker, this is their vision for America if they’re not eliminated.

  2. Elect a puppet get a circus, Kamala Harris at 86 that old guy under the 25th amendment, but then what do you have a female airhead?


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