Ellen DeGeneres LEAVES the US and Is NEVER Coming Back!!!



She’s running from the law.

Yay! President Trump is already making America Great Again. Get going, Ellen!


  1. Never say never unless you mean it. We have great memories. Afraid of the Diddy tapes? I bet that’s going to be an international round-up. England is still one of our allies.

    • I guess Whoopi backed out of her promise to leave the country years ago right? Well, he won again soooo are you still going? Please take your red head co host with you. you two are the angriest women on TV.

      Won this time by popular demand by the people does that say anything to you? Terrible leadership last 8 years.

  2. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out . I mean really . Who cares . Pull her passport . After all . She never wants to come back . Good riddance .

  3. Freeze her and the other Hollywood ‘elites’ passports so that they can’t flee justice until the Epstein list and P. Diddy’s testimony are submitted to a grand jury. Prosecute the ones who committed crimes against minors and sentence them to prison. When the others leave America (hopefully), have the State Department pull their passports so they can’t re-enter the U.S.. Good riddance!

  4. Well it’s about time. Not only them all of Hollywood who do not deserved to be in MAGA country. Look at the illegals they can’t wait to get in. I am a foreign born arriving in the city of Miami when our famous President was Mr. Dwight Eisenhower and the United States was the envy of the entire world. Look at today? Well let me tell you the country since our dear Mr. Trump became our President every one is elated and smiles are in their faces. We must help to get the country to where it was. Get rid of the Soros man take his Citizenship away he is a problem and now his son who is getting married to the Palestine woman who was Hillary’s (second in command) another scumbag. Clean up the swamp for once and for all at my 90’s can’t afford more headaches. Vive Mr. Trump and all the ones he choose to help and hope I can see in the next 4 years that the United States of America will shine again.🇺🇸❤️😁

  5. I kind of pity the U.K., but not much. After all, we’ve had to put up with their fallen prince and his manipulative spouse, so I guess it’s more or less an even trade. Still, it doesn’t say much for America when our most well known export is a degenerate dike running from the law.

  6. Ellen never left the country… She is in Gitmo being tried for child trafficking from what I am hearing! Bye bye Ellen – always suspected you were one of those!

    • I hope that’s true as well as many other sickos. We don’t have the justice dept. until January though. I wonder how many politicians are also on the tapes and the black book? Go Pam Bondi!

  7. We will see how you like it when the fascist kleptocracy takes all your sociopath security and Medicare. Don’t come crying that you need it, nobody cares, and Trump and his crooked friends don’t care. Y’all make dirt look brilliant

  8. I don’t know who these celebrities think they are thinking we’ll miss them they think they’re better than everyone else your not al.all the rest that were leaving should go also you definitely won’t be missed

  9. Well Benedict Arnold has left. Hope she left her pass port because no one wants her back. Shes worth millions so she can still live high off the hog.

  10. That is no threat. Is it a promise she will keep? I’ll bet she still tries to participate in money generating projects in America. Can she stop that too? If she does, she will pay taxes on every $ she earns. Trump will say: Thanks for your support…

  11. Halleluya! At last! Good riddance, please DO NOT come back! We don’t need you here, you are of NO benefit to our country! Your tattered reputation is what you deserve!


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