Douchebag De Niro Chased Out of NYC After Crying Outside Trump Trial



They keep crying that Trump will be president for life, after us dealing with decades of corrupt government….would that really be a bad thing?

He's a paid Democrat shill


    • Its time to treat ny like it should by. A woke go broke business. The rest of US should refuse to do business in or with ny.

  1. Mr Dinero, you will never be #1 in NYC. You should stick to the movies., although I’m
    Sure they will be sinking fast. PS Tribeca place !how about you did not want to pay for the expertise of a culinary student from the culinary Institute. His education course speaks for itself. You wanted him to work for free as I recall. That would never happen I told my son to tell your Management that we as NYC people would never let that happen. Trump rules NYC not you. Trump is loved whether you charge him and treat him
    Like a dog he is like MacArthur. He will return and take NY back. Tell your fellow colleagues to goi and find another Chump. Trump is and always will be our President. Where are his crimes. This is not China or Russia get help and take bag men with ya.

  2. De Nero omg like a 2 yr old having a temper tantrum Booo Hooooo whaaaa I hate trump whaaa! Bobby and Biden wear the same brand of diapers these men are mentally gone now lets make them physically gone too!
    on political matters we will vote for whoever we want America under friends of De Nero has become a BANANA REPUBLIC

    We all know how Hollyweird operates Lefty all the way he prob thinks if he throws a hissy fit like a 2 yr old he’ll get another role in a crappy movie De Nero is sellin out the usa for Money this is what a traitor look like like De Nero

  3. DeNiro is a has been. His face disgusts me and all the other normal Americans. He’s a deranged nut job.

  4. What did DeNiro every do for NY. Trump put money into NY. DeNiro is a low life trying to make a comeback. Forget it, DeNiro you suck.

  5. He should say the same line about Trump’s case. In this case that would be true. DeNiro, “ You’ve got nothing. Try and dream up a tax thing by the way, they have no case. To hurt a peaceful man.” Trump is innocent. Cohen lied. Proven. Go ahead, ask the bookkeeper.

  6. That’s because that has been was afraid that he would get his ass kicked by the people he was saying fuck you too and giving the finger too. Like ALL loser Dumocraps, they will run their mouths but when it’s time to back it up they run. That fucking loser POS should never be allowed to go back to that shithole State of NEW YORK ever again. In second thought let him back in so someone will kick his loser ass.

  7. I am SO DISGUSTED!! What is Trump’s crime? TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT?? PLEASE, all of you Biden Commies, leave the this great country and Stop trying to destroy it!!


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