Donald Trump: “Now I Have to Beat Somebody That Nobody Ever Heard Of” | Official Preview



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A guy who liked my comment actually interviewed Donald Trump. What an amazing time to be alive in. So glad you are keeping up the great work Shawn.


  1. For those out there who might not have heard about the latest outrageous BULLS**T liberal giveaway, here it is: In California the head goon is giving a $150K (that’s one hundred fifty thousand dollars) credit toward home ownership to illegals despite they aren’t qualified for loans as they don’t have verifiable steady income and aren’t US citizens)? When I learned about this I almost crapped in my pants. This will cause a housing crash the magnitude of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, these loans will never be repaid and lead to thousands of foreclosures and ultimately a financial disaster! This looming disaster of course was rammed through (not voted on by the residents, but what sane legal Californian would approve this taxpayer paid givaway?) by newsom despite the thousands of Californians who’re struggling and can’t afford to purchase homes yet this bastard is giving this (taxpayer funded) largesse to people who’re here illegally. Why isn’t this being stopped by a higher authority? What gives this thieving POS the legal right to do this while thousands of us struggle and can’t afford to buy homes much less the basics? Will somebody do the people of California and figure a way to get rid of this cancer that’s done nothing but destroy the former golden state that’s lost its luster and is only golden in the piss and crap littering and stinking the streets and sidewalks of San Francisco, Los Angeles San Jose and many large cities making many neighborhoods biohazards that reek like toilets, look like calacutta and port au prince and in some places resemble a war zone like beruit. We have to endure 2 more years of newsom and hopefully by then people will be at the end of their patience (what’s the delay, they had a chance 2 years ago to get rid of him but didn’t, why not?), get smart and get rid of him. To the people of California; wake up, get your heads out of your a***s, stop voting for the liberals and vote Republican for a much needed change and breath of fresh air. A balanced legislature working across the aisle might change things drastically as the way it’s going it won’t be long before California is destroyed and is beyond saving. Sadly in many places it’s so far gone and worse than some 3rd world countries. If you want the USA to be the Venezuela and Cuba of the northern western hemisphere, keep voting for the liberals who’ve proven they can’t lead a scout troop out of the deep woods even with a compass and GPS much less run a country other than run it into the ground. Why are people still voting for this crap, thieves and anti American socialists? To the voters in California, do us and yourselves a huge favor and start voting in Republicans, for everybody’s fiscal sanity and better quality of life!

  2. Bill you are SO correct! Californians need to get “ new scum” OUT! He is destroying California! Also get pelosi and schiff out! The state would be much better off with the demonrat destroyers out, and electing republicans!


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