Democrats Are FLIPPING to the GOP in This Key Swing State!!!



Given what we know NOW it’s astounding how anyone can still vote democrat

As long as McDaniels is involved in any part of running the rnc, I won’t donate anything.
MAGA needs its own separate fundraising entity


  1. Ronna McDaniel is as crooked as her uncle Mitt Romney. She should have lost her reelection and Harmett should have taken the job. Ronna is doing a lousy job for the Republican Party, sucks like a Rino.

  2. Why is my question, are they doing it to steal the votes from the candidate that the majority wants as the Republican candidate and then they’ll switch back to their party; another way to steal the election from voters.

  3. I believe it is time for the true Republican Party should boycott the Republican Party leadership until she is removed! And any rino that thinks they are safe should watch what a boycott from we the people! We allowed this by blind eyes! It’s time we take back our country!

  4. I will never donate again as long as Rona McDaniel is in charge. I am tired of spineless Republicans that are supposed to be representing us. We have so few standing up for us. Why? Are they corrupt and don’t want to draw attention?

  5. I agree McDaniel is bad for Republicans. The Republicans need to get off their hands and start taking care of business. They’re getting no money with her involved. Didn’t know she’s tied to traitor Romney. How stupid are the Republicans? It’s dumb and dumber when it comes to the dems & Republicans. Independent may be the smart way to go.

  6. I’d be very wary of a “turncoat”. I believe they are flipping because they fear being voted out of office so what these voters will get is a RINO and not an honest conservative.

  7. Ronna McDaniel is a lousy Republication Chairman. I have said for a long time that she needs to be out. I hope that the democrats who are defecting see that is what they should do and not to be create more problems. I think and hope that they are not agreeing with the ridiculous dems. Let’s go President Trump and eject the Biden’s and their cabinet out of office.

  8. Actually, most of the politicians are lawyers and lawyers are the scum of our planet. They are taught to legally steal in law school and have destroyed this country. Watch the movie, The Firm, to see how law works.

  9. I felt Rona has self interest at heart after 2020. I was hoping for change
    with Harmet. I beleive she would do wonders with a well thought out
    plan.Rona is about the $ and status and being a big shot! Time go Rhino
    Rona!Go join your worthless relative Mitt!

  10. No one cared what Gov. Abbott was dealing with until they had to start dealing with also. He dealt with it for months before he started bussing. No on in the Dem party tried to help him, but now the mayors are all yelling for help. I agree, I am fed up with the Republican party as well. They are also guilty of not fighting for people. When they do it’s only one person, like that is going to make a difference. GET RID OF McDANIEL. SHE IS NO LEADER.


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