Confirmation of mRNA fears



The good news is we were right and the bad news is we were right

They don’t want informed consent. They want OBEDIENCE.


  1. If this man were not a liar and fake, he would know that in 1964 another “carona-virus was detected— Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)— it was just as vicious as Covid-19, but although it didn’t become a world-wide pandemic, they knew it was only a matter of time (they were right). For some time they had been experimenting with an mRNA delivery system for the AIDS virus. It was decided to include the Corona Virus in that research. This so-called “experimental” mRNA vaccine has been in development for 60 years. If this moron was genuine, he would know that. The only part that was accelerated was the testing. There are laws in place that a certain number of tests, over a broad spectrum of human types and ages must be fulfilled before applying for distribution. That was not changed, but it also involves a mass endeavor involving thousands of people. So, it is normally performed over a period of years, not for safety, but because of logistics. The government supplied the means, and simply put, instead of spreading out the test, they were done all at the same time, at different locations.
    I’m not going to give a Biology lesson, but mRNA does not add or change anything in the human body. The “m” stands for messenger. It is like a little train that delivers cargo, period, end of lesson!
    All this can be simply looked up on the internet, but these idiots rely on the fact that you won’t. They’re the worst kind of ghouls.
    As for side effects, no two humans are the same, drinking milk can cause side effects in some. Peanut have side effects and can kill others. Everything we do in life has risks and possible side effects. The question cannot be on those but on how effective it is on the billions that survive because they received the vaccine.
    If I had more space, I would also squash this ridiculous notion that it’s Unconstitutional to force vaccination, the efficacies of masks etc. it’s really amazing how ignorant the world is, and the total idiots they listen to!


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