CNN In PANIC Mode After Trump’s HUGE Bronx Rally!!!



Trump is by far the best and most popular president this country’s ever had ❤

God bless TRUMP 2024 TRUMP


  1. Hopefully the people of New York, and the rest of the country for that matter, have gotten smarter and have awakened to aoc and the liberals who’ve proven and shown (if people haven’t seen and smelled just what the liberals are all about they’ve either been asleep at the switch, smokin’ the wrong kind of weed, where legal or clueless ) their incompetence, ineptitude and their sheer inability to run things other than run them into the ground (the evidence is all around in places like New York, California, and anywhere else the liberals are in control of) and realize this nightmare can come to an end November 5th 2024 by voting Republican candidates across the board, no exceptions, they’re beyond help. Really it’s not that hard to figure out voting for the opposite party just might help, can’t hurt. If after all these years of voting for the same liberal or progressive idiots who play you for fools, treat you like walking ATM’s for higher and hoigher taxes, give all kinds of free stuff to non contributors on your dime all while you get the s**t end of the stick, you’ve lost your minds. Time to wake up America, and pretty damned soon for your sake and the future of America ’cause 4 more years of the clown cadere in charge will finally destroy America.

  2. Democrat leadership in America is a Trojan Horse – Look at things done during Obama years and now Obama led Biden and they are doing all they can to destroy the American Government ( A Republic – not a Democracy – look up history ) and Country. At the rate things are going it won’t be long if Biden wins a second term – since he and family are bought and paid for by China. I will miss your suffering since I am now at the end of the road of life,


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