Case for Kamala Harris’ document reportedly circulating



Harris is far worse….what a joke

All the Democrats are performing poorly. She is not the answer either


  1. Well, the reason the stairs Biden used to get into Air Force One were not the shortened staircase is that the aircraft was not a 747 & does not have the double deck up front, so he can not enter on the “ground floor” and take the elevator up to the “executive suite”.

  2. U couldn’t of said it better, Suzanne, this is a total nightmare, for this progressive, liberal, radical, socialist, marxist, dumbocrap commie party. This should about end, this party, were going to make the party, irrelevant, for years to come. The party cares for no one, but their illegals, that are killing Americans every day. Kick the commies to the curb.

  3. Who voted for this? Really who in their right mind is ok with and even more serious, wants another 4 years of this slow moving train wreck? There’s no way in hell 81 million Americans voted for this clown show and nightmare that has been going on in DC for last 3+ years as there can’t be that many stupid fools who haven’t seen what the liberals have done in the past. Hopefully enough Americans are tired of the BULLS**T and realize they determine the direction of the next 4 years and if they don’t seize the opportunity and vote, ( not for the liberals that’s a given) they have nothing to complain about yet the rest of us thinking Americans have to deal with the repercussions of the idiots that keep voting for SHIT like this or don’t vote at all. And the unreal thing, these whiners are the loudest complainers.

    • Amerika has funded the unGREATful SOCIETY for 60 years. $23 trillion, wasted, trying to make savages equal to the law abiding, working folks. IT must end NOW ! RED states need to separate from this evil empire called Amerika

  4. This whole clown show has to end NOW. The left finally had their chance and the had possession of the ball, first down goal line 10 yards away and the FUMBLED EVERY PLAY, because they have never been in that position before. Time to concede defeat and let the REAL ball players take the field once again without any pass interference, bogus calls fro crooked refs and the line….While there is still a Country left to save!!!

  5. Right-O! Back convicted felon tRump for 2024! Let’s go full on Christian Nationalist with Project 2025 and ban abortion, porn, IVF, Mifepristone, gay people, books, and get those wimmen back in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant where they belong! (Oh wait you guys – NOT porrrrnnnnn!!!)


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