BREAKING: What Trump JUST said SHOCKED the World!!



– **RFK Jr.’s Election Reform Plans:** RFK Jr. vows to reform American elections, demonstrating the need for change.
– **Trump’s Shocking Proposal:** Trump proposes eliminating federal income tax, replacing it with tariffs, aiming to improve millions of lives.
– **Janet Yellen’s Controversy:** Janet Yellen caught in a lie, causing outrage on Twitter.
– **Canada’s Tax Law Change:** Canada’s new investment tax law sparks speculation about dark influences on Justin Trudeau.
– **Happy Father’s Day:** Wishing all dads a happy Father’s Day.
– **FEC Testimony on Trump:** FEC head Trent Trainor testifies that Trump’s Stormy Daniels case lacked evidence, criticizes DA Alvin Bragg for political persecution.
– **Norm Eisen’s Role:** Norm Eisen likely behind the hush money case against Trump.
– **Trump’s Tax Reform Idea:** Trump suggests replacing federal income tax with tariffs, gaining support from Rep. Thomas Massie.
– **Federal Income Tax Debate:** Discussion on whether removing federal income tax would benefit Americans.
– **Biden’s Tax Plans:** Biden plans to raise taxes and hire more IRS agents.
– **Canada’s Capital Gains Tax:** Justin Trudeau raises capital gains tax to 66.6%, causing shock and criticism.
– **Moderna’s New Vaccine Strategy:** Moderna plans to combine the COVID shot with the flu shot amid declining vaccination rates.
– **FDA and Big Pharma:** Criticism of Big Pharma and FDA for prioritizing profits over health improvements.
– **NMN Supplement Promotion:** Promotion of NMN supplement for health benefits, with a discount offer.
– **Bird Flu Scare:** Media exaggerates bird flu risks in cows, sparking distrust in mainstream media.
– **Charlie Kirk’s Suggestions:** Charlie Kirk lists five actions Trump should take if re-elected, including ending the war in Ukraine and investigating DOJ collusion.
– **Janet Yellen’s Claim:** Janet Yellen falsely claims Americans are better off under Biden, despite declining earnings and rising prices.
– **Russia’s Military Presence:** Concerns over Russian warships and a nuclear sub off the coast of Florida.
– **RFK Jr. on Election Integrity:** RFK Jr. advocates for paper ballots to ensure election integrity, citing issues with electronic voting machines in Puerto Rico.
– **Electronic Voting Issues:** Electronic voting machines in Georgia’s Fulton County lose ballot images, highlighting vulnerabilities in the voting system.

Get Biden out of the Whitehouse!!!!!


  1. Trudeau is an evil, stupid and undereducated man who must been enslaved and used by sinister forces (The Davos coven of witches and warlocks). He’s deceptive and lies openly and bold-facedly as we saw during the Canadian truckers’ noble protest as only one of many instances. His every move is to disempower and debase the Canadian people politically, economically and culturally. We heard him openly admit that his admired hero was China’s supreme leader, Xi Jinping, and he preferred China’s form of strong-armed governance over its people to the democratic, constitutional confederacy of Canada. Under his not-so benevolent regime, legislation was pass in Ontario declaring that children no longer belong to their parents but to the state, like Nazi Germany and the Soviet block countries – and probably his political idol, China. But, the reason is even more banal in Canada. It’s to remove kid from their homes to play with their kiddie genitals, cutting them up and off and torturing them with hormones to enforce and satisfy the transgender ideology. His government is no longer helping the underclass, the working class or the middle class with any real assistance, but, if they find themselves in financial difficulty, the Trudeau regime actually offer to pay for euthanasia. If depressed teenagers petition the government for euthanasia to escape their temporary, emotional crisis, the government will oblige the confused kid, and the parents can do nothing to stop it except watch horror of the government executing their child. This is an evil, uncaring man, whose breathed a frightening, dark cloud over the Canadian people, but I have no faith in Canadians doing anything. I’ve watch the much touted, clever, well-spoken opposition leader, Poilievre, but it’s all talk and no walk. As we say in Texas, Poilievre is all hat and no cattle, but that’s true of Canada in general.

  2. I agree with Charlie Kirk! Those things must be addressed! Plus, Fauci should be charged with crimes against humanity, and include bill gates! Also we must go back to paper ballots only, with water marks that cannot be faked! Same day voting, No early voting, NO mail in ballots, NO machine counting, ALL ballots verified, NO ballots accepted after the polls close, NO extended vote counting days after Election Day and questionable ballots not counted! And same day results, not days after Election Day! Any questionable activity by vote counters investigated, and audits performed in every state to ensure the counts are accurate! If the demonrats can, they will rig the election like they did in 2022! prosecute the fraudsters immediately and NO voting machines in any state! We must ensure that our elections are fair and accurate! We must stop the Soros/Obama agenda of destroying our country from the inside and get the demonrats out of our government! We must re elect president Trump if we hope to save our country! Remember, any vote for Biden is a vote for obama’s fourth term! HE controls Biden, and is already rigging our election! Remember he and Biden said” we have the most sophisticated voter fraud” no one listened, and look what happened! Major voter fraud, and Biden “ installed” by Obama! This cannot happen again! VOTE MAGA, take our country back from those who are destroying it! If we don’t, our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences of another Obama term. We cannot have that happen!

  3. What was said was a lot of lies to try to confuse people and make it harder on a lot of people to vote which is what they are trying to do plus they didn’t show any fact based evidence of what they were saying which is all Trumps way say anything whether it’s true or not only that it sounds good so demand the true facts back by the evidence

  4. The theory that has not been proven in the US, beef or dairy cows having H5N1 gives the people creating the vaccination and the virus the ability to test herds, which is already happening, which gives them access to be nefarious. Pasteurization neutralizes H5N1. Why cattle and not other milk producing animals? As with COVID, the billionaires and the government elected officials investing in the pharmaceutical companies cannot be trusted.

    Regarding the flu being combined with COVID shot, our military requires annual flu shots, so this makes it required when so many military fought to not take the jab. Is this their way to make up the billions they lost for the BA.2.86 Pirola shots because no one would take it? We need to protect our military.

    The way this virus and vaccination was created by EcoHealth the following article suggests “This variant can evade the immune response more effectively than prior versions of the virus. If you’ve been infected, or you’ve been vaccinated, and you’ve got some antibodies in your system, those antibodies may not recognize the protein on the surface of the virus as well,” says Dr. Binnicker.

    EcoHealth added the DNA for Nordic profile to the virus and vaccination of the Omicron equivalent after receiving a grant from the UK in 2022, and the outbreak of Pirola started June 2023. This article says, although JN-1 (Pirola’s mutation) represents 30% of COVID cases in California, there will be an uptick this fall.

    Judges / prosecutors / DOJ / FBI / FEC – Investigate any prosecutor, judge, FBI, FEC, or DOJ official that has allowed any Biden criminal investigations to expire.

  5. I forgot to say regarding Pirola, BA.2.86, if you had Omicron BA.1 or was vaccinated with Omicron and you are not Nordic DNA, since BA.2.86 is BA.1 with Nordic DNA, does that suggest you might have immunity?

    • No.
      These are NOT vaccines. CDC websites show “3900% increase sudden death in healthy young males “. 3000% increase in RARE CANCERS.

  6. As a sixth move Donald Trump should do on his first day in D.C. is begin an investigation of the mass murder thousands of elderly committed by Cuomo, Hochul, Whitmer and the blue state governors as well as R Levine. One of the earliest covid memes was, “Don’t kill grandma.” These political reptiles did exactly that. They forced the receiving of covid infected people into eldercare facilities by coercing the facilities with threatening legislation. They knew full-well they were exposing vulnerable, innocent, unsuspecting grandma and grandpa to being effectively murdered with covid. At least 15,000 died in NY. NY passed legislation to make it impossible for the families to take legal action against the facilities for the death of their parents. Yet, a priest, minister or rabbi were forbidden to visit the dying elderly in a facility for fear they would carry the infection into the facility infecting grandma and grandpa. Yet, Cuomo never used the huge, military ship converted into a hospital for covid sent by Washington to NYC or the Javits Center which was transformed and refurbished as a hospital for covid patients. Like Abel’s, the blood of the innocent cry out from the earth for justice. If we do no arrest and try them for mass murder, the Nürnberg trials and their meaning were in nullified and in vane.


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