BREAKING: MISSILE STRIKE Against Trump Force One Exposed! Emergency Protocols Activated!



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God protect Trump and Vance and their families


  1. Some of us know this is all CIA coordinated. Their first patsy, Thomas Crooks, was introduced to the CIA by Blackrock for conditioning when Crooks was in high school. Then the next CIA patsy was Ryan Routh. He was in Ukraine (most likely for CIA skullduggery) and was likely recruited by CIA for the second attempted assassination of Trump (mysteriously, the FBI continues to say these attempts were Lone Gunman situations. But I would like to know where the CIA professionals were and how they are being excluded in the FBI cover up. I clearly heard 3 shots on audio from a weapon, then 5 shots of a different audio sound (different shooter), then a 9th shot different from the first 8, then 10 seconds later, a final 10th shot. How can there be a lone shooter? If the 5 shots came from the window below Crooks position on the roof. Someone could have quickly collected the shells and threw them on the roof, but they were not found with the first 3 shells. It was impossible for Crook’s weapon to expel them from the rifle at an angle where they were found. Now the CIA is ensuring MSM mass coverage of Iran hacking Trump’s computer network, now we have shoulder fired rockets coming through Kamala’s open border (Kamala and Biden should be impeached for causing and promoting the invasion of our country (That is a real high crime and misdemeanor actually written right in the Constitution. A phone call to investigate Joe Biden’s treason in Ukraine was the duty of President Trump. That shows you how devious and evil Nancy Pelosi is) Back to Iran, its all COA misdirection to make it look like another Lone gunman (possibly team) from Iran, to keep the CIA organizers of this debauchery out of the picture. But some of us Know CIA is running all these attempts on Trump and they have given the intel to the shooters of where to be and when. John Brennan sees everything the NSA collects on his private NSA network.

  2. Great work Harris this is what to expect from you?? Doing your job
    at the border?? After seeing the unfolding of missiles and other
    weapons coming in now and assassination teams being present all
    coming from the open border planing to take out Pres Trump…..
    your incompetence is showing big time!!!! You want the American
    people to elect you and put you in charge????? WHO ARE YOU TRYING
    TO KID??? Hang your head in shame…..admitt you are not up to the
    job you are after!!! Never will be. Word Salads will not stop these
    things. You will be in way over your head, and thats an understatement
    Look for employment elsewhere….

  3. Cant beat him in a debate,cant beat him in election without cheating so they choose to do what some of Bidens great cabinet members ( lol) say Extinquish him for good. No trust in biased DOJ or FBI

  4. Obama bin Ladin, obidins, Clit-tons, Holder, s. Rice, p. Bootygiver, J.Grandhoe-ms, a number of Rhino’ should beheld for treason and trying to overthrow this republic totally against the will of the “citizens” in these borders. They must be court marshaled with a public flogging.

    • There’s way, way more involved. The alphabet agencies, Biden/Harris, Obummer, Hitlery, Soros and so many more that we probably aren’t really familiar with. They all need to go bye-bye for good (legally).

  5. I feel Trump should be in a bunker or use unmarked planes. This is beyond serious. They and I believe our rotten government is behind all of this to get rid of Trump. We truly have a criminal government. I pray for his safety every night. I wonder if they truly realize the ramifications if they get rid of him. I think that would be the boiling point and we would see our country explode.

  6. the people will have to take care of this problem, The gov. is not going to do anything to the people behind this. so until the people decide to take a stand, it will keep happening.

    • The Government won’t do anything about it, is because our Government is behind it !! They are willing to do anything and EVERYTHING to stop Trump from another 4 years in the White House and have SAID THIS PUBLICALLY MANY TIMES !! How many more times does it take before you believe them ??

  7. Mexico wouldn’t mess with USA. According to history Hitler tried to sway Mexico to let the Germans use Mexico as a point of entry. USA found out and put an end to it. Mexico knows better than to mess with us… the sad part is that we lack leadership. And now everyone wants a piece of us. Let’s go Brandon”

  8. Our country is turning into a banana republic where there is one party rule. The party that wants to be the only ruler is resorting to all kinds of tricks such as voter fraud and assassinations. If Iran or Communist Red China is involved in these assassination attempts, this is an act of war, and we should wage total war against our them.

    • You have current leaders that supports both fighting countries Russia & Iran. Biden/Harris provided money to both production of gas that started both wars

  9. what the hell leave the man alone he wants to save rhe usa and the democraps want to destroy the usa thanks alot pos idiots are they want kamala for president

  10. When a foreign country does THIS,,they need to pay. BUT, as long as we have a Crook like JUDAS Biden in command, they WON’T.

  11. I have not been able to say much good about our government as
    I have to deal with an “ethics diversity ” of the City of Emeryville, Cal. 94608 -1148 getting nominated in position of power only to do harm because being privileged hired as being ethnics diversity. As a matter of facts taking “vengeance “on the “white man” from their own WILL, NOT dictated by an exercise of their jobs to the destruction annihilation of my home as ROBBERS in a real estate value at over $ 5 7 5 K. The City Council being paralyzed over a
    fear of being called racist in an instance of reverse discrimination.
    Since the City Council would not interfere in the will of destruction
    of my real estate property as a white man owner of his properties
    that included my ” laboratory ” for my R & D projects one of which
    happened to be an ” invention ” in the area of vehicle suspension
    U.S. Patented on March 1 9 2 0 0 2 # 6, 3 5 7, 7 7 0 B 1 “InWhellSuspension” for the Solar-Car ” C A R P ” of SolarMotions
    Patently Andre’ C A R P I A U X being the known ” INVENTOR ”
    in the City of Emeryville, Ca. 9 4 6 0 8 – 1 1 4 8
    I was then associated with U,C, Berkeley & Stanford University
    as an engineering advisor for their solar car engineering projects
    as machinist hands – ON ” experience ” those engineers did not
    possess for the success of their machine ” After – Burner ” and
    competed in Japan, Australia and Europe as the glorious years of racing powered with photo electric solar cells on solar cars with top speed up to 1 6 0 Km / hr on solar energy alone as pioneers
    with front “InWheelSuspension” & “InWheelElectric” motor direct
    current as the most advanced motorization pioneered by a Swiss BIEL ‘ University Prof. Brun, in those memorable years
    Proud years of my residence at 1264 Ocean Av, Emeryville, Ca.
    Sincerely Yours
    Andre’ C a r p i a u x Engineer ….. Inventor


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