BREAKING: Massive 2024 Voter Fraud Operation Was Just Stopped In CRITICAL Swing-State: ‘Criminal!’




Federal law states you HAVE to be a US citizen period


  1. Why are the Democrats so bent on doing voter fraud. ONLY American citizens should voter , period. If your illegal, imigrant, dead, moved etc should not be allowed to vote.

  2. Remember the SS office was hacked. Taking millions of files

    A recent data breach at National Public Data, a background check company, has compromised the personal information of millions of Americans, including Social Security numbers. Here’s a summary of the situation:

    Scope of the breach: Hackers allegedly stole 2.9 billion records, including names, dates of birth, email and postal addresses, phone numbers, and Social Security numbers.
    Timeline: The breach is believed to have occurred in December 2023, with potential leaks of data in April and summer 2024.

    Wake the F up America The the truth is right in our face. PA is just the tip of the ice berg
    what happen to the breech
    this was a inside job

  3. The Republicans, in congress, have had four years to stop this and have done nothing! And the ACP judges will not touch these cases using the crutch of ‘standing’. I fear that this great experiment called America is in danger of being destroyed.

  4. What a bunch of losers believing this bullshit. The MAGA crowd is hellbent on installing The Giant Orange Turd back into the Oval Office, no matter how many unsubstantiated lies are being spread by these idiots.

    Show me the undeniable, hard evidence that is not tied to rumors, fairytales, fear mongers, and conspiracy theorist, that can be proven to be undeniable truth, and I would not deny your claims. Millions of Democratic voters would do the same.

    Proof talks, bullshit walks! So get walking with your crap and oust the retarded devil in your midst so the real Republicans can get stabilized by the honest people in their party.

    The Hitler II sequel does not have the happy ending you are fighting for.

    • Charlie, I have never voted in an election and I am almost 60 years old, but I have followed politics closely for the past 20 plus years. With that said, I am so totally confused as to why most Democrats are pushing the narrative that Trump is another Hitler. He was already in office for four years and never once did he govern with that mentality. When he was in office he did a good job for America. What I can attest to is that Trump is not (or at least didn’t use to be) a sexually moral man by any means (although I do think that a lot of things he has been charged with is really grasping at straws.) But where so many people have a problem with him based in that area, these same people don’t seem to have a problem with Joe Biden and his seemingly perverse interest in little girls. As for me, I would much rather have the country run by a President that had sexual liaisons with consenting adult women, than a possible pedafile. His own daughter put in her private journal that she and he took showers together. Now, I understand that he isn’t running for office anymore, but Harris is. And if the Democrats are so concerned about the loss of democracy and rights being taken away from Americans, then they better think twice before electing her. They have continued to stick their heads in the sand, seemingly not caring about the fact that she isn’t being clear about her policies. But pay attention. She isn’t saying what her policies will be because she knows if she did, the majority of the people that currently are pushing to get her elected would bring their efforts to a screeching halt because if she gets in, they absolutely will have ushered in the Hitler sequel.

  5. If they install her on Nov 6 there will be be real Hell to pay because we have had enough of all the Communist Democrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Steal this election pay the price. We will not stand for another steal. Our votes are sacred to real Americans.

  6. The corruption of the anti-american Demonrats knows no bounds,they will do anything to keep thier power so they can continue with thier plan to make America a third world socialist country,they have no intention of closing the border and they will allow millions more illegals to enter the country,this corrupt administration are America and it’s citizens last,they have given billions away to other countries and are giving thousands each month to people who are here illegally all while our own people are having trouble with making ends meet,Trump /Vance to MAKE AMERICA and it’s citizens First again

  7. I have been a Republican in Detroit for 40 years !!! I still stand by Donald Trump and I don’t care who doesn’t like it. As a Christian I am steadfast in the Word of GOD. I am pleased to see more Black people in Detroit that are voting for Donald Trump. TRUMP/VANCE 2024

  8. Democrats have staged so much stuff and lied to the public it’s so horrid that people don’t see it as they are so engrossed in getting her in office and are just too blind to see what she is doing. what has she done in the 4 years she was VP, nothing but collect her paycheck. you’ right she won’t show her programs she said she would do and the sneaky behind the back door items she will put in place without the every day citizen ever knowing what hit them and too late to do anything. Foreign governments do not think women have as much power as a man. women are much less thought of in other countries and most likely they wouldn’t take her ideas seriously and most likely drop any ideas she proposes to them. WAKE UP AMERICA open your eyes and ears see/hear what’s going on or going to happen in the future. we can’t keep losing and getting weaker. the foreign countries are watching the elections like a hawk.

  9. We should sto talking about personalities — Harris vs Trump. What we should concentrate on is do you want to remain a Republic with choices and freedom or do you want to be under Communist rule and be slaves. Wake up America. And as to mail i votes- this should not be allowed as there are too many ways to fraud use. Only those requesting mail in votes and those overseas or n the military should be allowed to use mail in ballots. And all states need to clean up their regtistries, ie dead peole, illegals, people moving to other states, etc. AND the Constitution states only Americans can vote inthis election. Arguing is stupid–it means what it says. And anyone who is against this is against America andshould have their fvoting righs repealed also.


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