BREAKING! Court Deals HUGE BLOW to Biden!!!


Oh boy, it looks like the Biden administration has just been dealt a major blow by the courts! According to recent reports, a federal judge has ruled that the administration likely violated the First Amendment in its efforts to combat COVID-19 disinformation on social media.

The ruling stems from a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, and it has the potential to significantly impact the government’s ability to control the spread of false and misleading information on social media.

But it’s not all doom and gloom for the Biden administration. In another recent ruling, the Supreme Court allowed a Biden deportation policy to take effect, which could help the administration in its efforts to manage immigration and border control.

So, what does this all mean for the future of the Biden administration? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: the political landscape is always full of surprises!


President Trump is a strong and intelligent man who loves America and God. He is who we need to be our President. He is a proud American..

Trump 2024! Save our country and unite it’s people under God again!!


  1. lets be honest the biden administration was not trying to combat COVID-19 disinformation on social media. they were lying constantly and their lies kept being pointed out by the facts of the situation.

    Example: after the entire administration knew the covid shots were dangerous and did not work (they still don’t). biden, the surgeon general, the cdc director, pelosi, schiff, schumer, the FDA director and obama all put out statements that he shots were safe and effective.

    After filing 4 freedom of information requests and going to court the CDC and FDA were forced to start releasing the shots test data. At which point they told the courts they would need 75 years to release the data. Everyone knew at that point the shots were a problem.

    The biden administration immediately worked to get the social media companies to hide the 75 year statement.

    There is no one in the biden administration who is not guilty of murder.

  2. As I see it, all Biden has left in his arsenal to keep Trump from the office of President is to start a war with Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. and be able to delay/cancel any elections in November.
    The democrats are using every undemocratic tactic, to maintain their control over “democracy” within our country, seemingly without any limits.


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