BREAKING: Biden HUMILIATES Himself and America at D-Day 80th Anniversary Ceremony!



Shame on anyone who’s even thinking of voting for this man, put your family , country and common sense first. Trump 2024

America simply cannot handle four more years of Biden. Trump 2024!


  1. Looked more like he was messing his pants! Why else would so called “Dr.Jill” have to lead him away? Sad that our country is bieng disgraced by this man! Get him out!!!!! We cannot endure much more of the clown show called the biden administration!

    • I agree with you, except “so called Dr Jill” really is a doctor. She’s not an M.D., but she is a doctor.

      • Thanks Crewchief135, well said but for those out there who think jill’s a doctor, the important kind, an MD that you’d consult when you have a health issue, they’ve been lied to and misinformed, jill’s a phd, basically a glorifid overpaid teacher. This technicality was kept hush hush to make the people think she’s an actual MD, the important kind. But hey what do you expect from these lying deceitful liberal bozos who have to lie and use trickery to get what they want?

  2. Biden was a massive failure and an embarrassment to American in front of the whole world. It looks as though he crapped in his pants as he was led away by his wife at the D Day ceremony. This man is a total disgrace and needs to be removed at once or our beautiful country will be lost.

  3. Correct. He’s a liar, cheat, and crook besides being brain dead and has distroyed our country. I’m hoping Trump gets back in and stops all these wars. 4 wars to be accurate. Plus Afghanistan, all a diaster! Both China and Russia are telling Biden to stop giving Ukraine weapons that they are standing by with nukilar weapons.

  4. Shameless. Subjecting Joe to this humiliation shows the contempt that Jill and the family has for Joe. The family is totally messed up. Joe shamelessly inserted himself publicly into the legal process of Hunter. He talked about the love he has for his son, but he has indulged and spoiled Hunter, giving him no moral bearings. As the Book of Proverbs say, “He who spares the rod hates his child.” That family is incapable of love. Corrupt people cannot love. It’s really the definition of hate and disregard. Meanwhile, Fedderman and the brilliant Bill Maher are going to vote for Biden. Where are their brains, integrity and concern for the country and its people.


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