BREAKING꞉ Border Patrol COMPLETELY REBELS Against Biden!!!



Good! Their responsibility is to uphold the Constitution! If the President does not uphold it, Impeach him and throw him in prison

All Federal employees should refuse to follow the regime’s illegal orders.


  1. Military personell and all Elected/Appointed Officials of the Federal Government must uphold the Constitution of the UNited States. Any violations thereof must be accountable…

  2. I agree with william for some reason Biden feels he doesn’t have to uphold the constitution….throw them all out they just want to tell us what to do lock them up

  3. We have the most anti-american president ever in the history of our country and he has absolutely no concern for the safety of our citizens he is a absolute disgrace to the country and the people of it,he took an oath to protect and serve and he’s done the complete opposite,he should of been impeached the moment he opened the border

  4. He should never have been elected. The whole election was a scam. Obama, Biden and the whole democratic party are against the constitution. Every one of them is a traitor and should be delt with accordingly.

  5. Better late than never, I guess, but it’s a shame that Texas didn’t do this 3 years ago. Granted, the illegal aliens would probably have found another way to invade our country…..i.e. through (sympathetic) Southern California…..but at least they wouldn’t be flooding the great state of Texas.

  6. looks like another voting block walking away from the democrats. the border patrol is fed up with the dmeocrats.

  7. I am fed up with the way our country has been taken over with woke people and democrats that hate America , I am 84 and a native Texan and cannot believe this is happening to our country. The cost of living has gone up so much I can barely afford my food which consist of Oatmeal twice a day and beans one time, after paying water,gas and electric.

  8. Another group of people telling the dmeocrats they hate them.

    Yup the world is giving the democrats a big old middle figure.


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