Black Mob ARRESTED After LYNCHING 20 Year Old Mother As Liberal Media And Race Hustlers GO SILENT!



Nothing destroys Black America like Black America

7 kidnapped, R’d, tortured, and murdered a pregnant woman. There should be 7 death penalties with super quick court appeals to keep them from living the next 50-60 years in prison sucking away at the taxpayers wallet housing, clothing, and feeding them.


    • whats wrong Tom? is the truth about black on black crime too much for you?

      Is it ok if blacks lynch blacks today but not if white lynched blacks 60 years ago?

      Is it is ok if blacks want segregation today but it was not ok for whites to want segregation 60 years ago?

      There is no white privilege. Only black and Hispanic privilege.

  1. I send condolences to the family and condemn the murderers.

    I think that the reason/motive/message for a lynching murder is what drives public lynching discussion. This condemnable murder was not sent as a racial warning. But, the murder needs reporting and condemning for what it is.

    Each black life matters… (But I don’t support the political BLM group nor it’s national leaders.)

  2. Is it ok if blacks lynch blacks today but not ok if white lynched blacks 60 years ago?

    Is it is ok if blacks want segregation today but it was not ok for whites to want segregation 60 years ago?

    There is no white privilege. Only black and Hispanic privilege.

  3. The Black community has allowed this to happen. This is the DEI being pushed. Coverage or not. This will not stop. Obama’s plan to divide the nation with race wars. I know of two girls now in the upper 20’s. They grew up together. They were little kids together. They did everything together. They were best of friends. Then 4 years ago the young black girl was convinced in collage that white girl was racist. The white girl was devastated. They both grew up in a upper middle class area and in upper middle class homes. They have not talked since

  4. These people are worse than animals. Animals kill to eat and other reasons, but these beasts should be killed and by the why, hang them. Don’t waste taxpayers’ money and leave them in jail for life. Life in jail is only disrespectable to the family of this poor women. Why, because the family pay taxes and support these beasts. Kill them. This is a terrible story.


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