If Trump hadn’t invited the band, liberals would complain that he didn’t invite a black ban.
The people in this video are the people who LBJ was talking about. They’ll vote Democrat for 200 years. No matter what.
If Trump hadn’t invited the band, liberals would complain that he didn’t invite a black ban.
The people in this video are the people who LBJ was talking about. They’ll vote Democrat for 200 years. No matter what.
And we all know what LBJ called them when he said he’d have them voting dimmercrap for 200 years…….don’t we? The dread N word.
Think I read yesterday or today that LBJ had to borrow $200 to file for his lawyer license or something………yet he left office after being president with a net worth of about $93,000,000 dollars…….and that was a while back!!! He must have been a G O O D democrat, eh?
But he was right, go figure. Blacks L O V E living on the dimmercrap plantation.
I’m not a democrat I’m a republican who is for the people I am a retired construction worker and I don’t care what you are I’m reaching out to the people who want their lives to be better and have the faith to make our lives better god bless
amazing how many of the low IQ in the demon-rat party are from the 13.3% of Amerika. Look at the BIG RED map of counties that didn’t vote for Trump. You will see a swath of white that goes from Baton Rouge, up the Mississippi River, to Memphis. Looks like a future “rich target environment” for when the SHTF. Could come any day now. You don’t disgrace your race, I’ll take care of mine.
Wasn’t it Donald Trump that gave all historic black colleges and universities permanent funding 🤔 Why, yes! It was him. What a good guy President Trump is. That woman is just a nasty, ignorant racist.
So I’m thinking they are just racist
we need to defund the unGREATful SOCIETY. The $23 trillion spent in 61 years, has been a dismal failure. Not one savage has been made equal yet. Stealing is always wrong…. GOD said so
It’s to bad the liberals only see that the media tells them
The media tells the public what to think and who to hate
Wake up people this has been the plan for over 250 years
to brainwash the people
The Democrats have been suppressing the blacks since before the civil war
look at the 1964 civil right law. Look who was holding up the votes
I’m old enough to have seen the damage the democrats do
Open your eye’s just look at the big cities and who runs them and the
the democrats destroy every thing the touch or control
Racism, hate and ignorance are alive and thriving in the black democrat community. They want racism to thrive, and are terrified it will end. It’s the special victim card, used to bully and abuse, and spread the hate and division the democrat party can’t survive without. The people in these video’s are the hate filled racist’s they claim to abhor, and it is them, and others like them, that are holding down the community, not whitey. Shame on them. To Mississippi Valley State University, congratulations! What an amazing opportunity for your school, and your band. Play loud and step high! This “band mom” celebrates you!
Hum. I’am born and raised in Calif. where blacks got paid for everything. So much for each child, food stamps and other things. One reason they were democrats. Now I’am not racist. Amazing right. I moved out of Calif. 52 years ago.
Pompous, arrogant, dismissive, closed minded. If an effort to ACTUALLY be inclusive is honestly offered, and accepted WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO DECLARE IT TO BE WEAKNESS AND BETRAYAL. There are too many Black Women who are so delusional that they will never accept any offer of reconciliation. You are sawing off the Branch that you are perched on.
you left out “uppity”. no one (sane) likes uppity. keep your distance
Total ignorance knows no racial barriers. These blacks are downright disgusting in their ignorance and hatred. If that’s perceived as a racist statement, I really couldn’t care less. To me, it’s just a statement of fact. I’ve described white liberals using identical terms on countless occasions, and meant every word of it as well. Again, if that’s racist to some, suck it up. I despise all forms of leftism, regardless of who’s pushing it. I’m delighted to see the number of non-whites who are coming over to the right as they realize that they will ALWAYS be held back by the democrats, who are their self-appointed “custodians”. To those who haven’t yet seen the light, please wake the hell up! These evil, manipulative opportunists are treating you as if you’re somehow mentally challenged and need their protection from a world that you can’t handle (ironically, the world THEY created). If I was treated in such a manner, I’d be outraged (unless, of course, I actually believed it on some level myself). You have every right to be angry, but PLEASE direct that anger at those who actually deserve it, not those identified FOR YOU by a corrupt, elitist media with an agenda that perfectly aligns with the party of the elites (i.e. the democrats). I’m actually much more concerned about whites who don’t see the light, as I do believe that they’re the ones who are mentally and/or emotionally challenged, and thus much more resistant to logic.
it is spelled N1663R. the number on the bow of the yankee ship that brought you here.
It looks like some people will fight to the death to stay on the plantation. And they want to keep everyone else down there with them.