Black Couple BASHES Biden And ENDORSES Trump IN Woke BET Host’s FACE!



I’m a Black man who grew up in the inner city and I can say that it has been ingrained in us to vote Democrat. It took me years to realize that the Democratic Party has done nothing for Black people or working class people. I voted for Trump the first time around and I’ll be voting for him again in November.

If you Americans get Joe again, say goodbye to America


  1. The ingrained in their mind to vote Dem is breaking up, including Latinos! Hence the Dems rush to get illegals the right to vote! Most have no clue what a vote is so they’ll help them, or just use their names on mail in ballots. Dems for sure check voting trends on not voters but the people who don’t vote! I will bet thousands of these people were used to vote on these Mailin ballots!

  2. Thank God the black community and others are waking up! They are going MAGA because they know the demonrats don’t have their best interests at heart, they are courted for their votes, then after getting their vote, they are quickly forgotten. Trump Di more FOR our country in four years than the past three presidents did in 24. Think about that! Trump was fighting a demonrat congress to get anything done, but he persevered and got things done. That shows he is our best choice to save our country!

  3. Let’s me very clear, many black ppl WILL VOTE FOR BIDEN!! A very small percentage won’t. So don’t think Dtump won black ppl over because he hasn’t.

  4. Tonita do I take it you are a black person? If so I really feel sorry for you voting democrat. Reason? 1 they are the party who started and still fund the KKK. You do know the reason for the KKK don’t you? 2 They are the party who started PP. Reason to remove black babies from becoming citizens and deminish the black race. 3 The democrats are the ones trying to remove ALL your rights granted by the bill of rights and the constitution. Please tell me why are they trying to remove you and your race if they care so much for you. By the way Jesus was a colored person and he gave his life for you and all peoples. Yes even whites.

  5. I am noticing something. maybe I am wrong but I have a couple of things tied together.

    First: there is a difference between college educated and intelligent. the people referenced in this article seems very intelligent. Fani Willis, Nate Wade, and L. James are college educated.

    Second college educated people seem to be democrats

    Third: intelligent people seem to be conservative. seem people a good example.

    Fourth: White college educated people seem to prove my point. they grow to be self loathing, racist, poor thinking people.

  6. I find myself what being a black voter has to do with anything. One has to be an American citizen to vote. I’m white and don’t have any control over my skin color and seriously doubt if a black person has any control over his. So why shouldn’t all of simply become Americans?

  7. Finally, the African=American community, has figured out,that the liberal,radical,socialist,marxist,commie dumbocraps,were never ther to help u,but to enslave u,to their radical agenda, that has never moved the community out of poverty.They want your vote,but hell with u,if u don’t like what they stand for.Trump brought everyone up from poverty, in a short couple yrs,but the dumbocraps tried to stop every thing good he did,and are at it again.All they stand for is murdering more babies,abortion is not gone,just the states are in charge,get a life. Hidenbiden has no chance of winning, without African=american,hispanic,young voters, your doomed traitor.


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