Biden WILL drop out of the 2024 Election and this is their plan to replace him | Redacted



Who else
thinks the entire democrat party should step down

He’s fit to run the country single-handedly but he’s not fit to stand trial in a court of law. Can we take a minute to appreciate how ridiculous this is??!!


  1. If any democrat gets elected in 2024 America is gone. No freedoms or rights for any one unless you declare to be democrat and vote that way. If that is you then you will be able to kill anyone you want, destroy any thing you want and sleep with any one you want regardless of their age or sex. Everything my fellow veterans fought for will be destroyed as will we.

    • I agree. The first thing Biden did on his first day in Office is murder many jobs for Americans and Canadians, then that moment on Biden’s has increased our cost of living and continues his legacy for Americans. Opened Borders is Treason, selling out our country.
      Schumer on National News threatened 4 Supreme Court Justices. Pelosi threatened a President and committed Insider Trading that Martha Stewart served time in prison for. Bill Clinton lied telling people he did not have sex in the White House. Obama ignited racism, attacks against our Law Enforcement, stood down the Law as he and the Mayor of Baltimore allowed riots, attacks against innocent people, destruction of properties destroying businesses, violence against people without holding responsibility of people’s livelihood (businesses) rioters destroyed. To make things worse after the mess in Baltimore was over the Mayor fired the Chief of Police for not doing his job to protect people after the Mayor and Obama refused the Chief of Police to do his job. ((People’s businesses that were destroyed, the people took the city of Baltimore to court for damages to their livelihood BUT the Court said Baltimore wasn’t responsible therefore denying help for people to rebuild their jobs). It did not stop there, riots, BLM, Antifa destruction against people continued in Washington State, St Louis, MO., Chicago, Washington DC, Oregon and other places. In St. Louis, MO Obama drove his destruction of a policeman to the Supreme Court trying to prove the police officer was at fault over a criminal he shot by force after the common criminal just robbed a 7-11 then tried to steal the officers gun by leaning into the cop car. The Officer had to go into hiding, his wife and children received threats. It was nasty what Obama did to this family. Please do not think all people are stupid about what’s going within our corrupt government. If you voted for Biden then that speaks volumes about you.
      I worked for the Administration when Obama lied through his teeth to All Americans. The only people Obama / Biden helped was themselves. Screwing people’s jobs, health care insurance, reducing our Military, so many other things.
      The horrible things Obama pulled on people he should be in prison.

      • Hussein Obama destroyed America ! Became a millionaire while in office ! How did he afford a 30 million dollar house on Martha’s vineyard, on a $250,000 a year salary ????

        • And how did Joe Biden, notorious as one of the poorest members of Congress for decades, suddenly amass over $10 million after two terms as VP (hint: Remember that bit about threatening to hold up $1 billion in aid money to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was looking into the company that was paying Hunter for his “expertise”)? And that was up to over $14 million after his first year as President. Trump lost millions serving the country, but they want to pursue Trump for supposed financial improprieties? How can anyone NOT see the reality? “10% to the Big Guy”, folks, it was right there for all to see.

          • Your lies and propaganda are pure comedy. Trump made millions off Stop The Steal Scam and using Marlago as a Whitehouse. He actually made money off Covid relief bill and trillion dollar welfare for tve weakthiest tax cut, too. Trump is a grifter selling Bibles while true Christian orgs give them away. He attacks all minorities and immigrants but Jesus Christ told us to welcome the immigrant as he was welcomed. Trump compares himself to Jesus and is a narcissist pussy grabbing immoral man who cheated on every wife he had. Sick. He has no character. Aim higher.

        • Foreclosures dotted every block when Obama took iffice. He restored the econony and helped Americans trapped by predatory lenders high interest rates. He also prevented a common cause of foreclosures: Greedy insurance companies dropping customers immediately if they needed any care. Insurance shouldn’t be a scam. The protections for insured people were passed during Obama admin and is protected by Biden admin because sooner or later all Americans need healthcare and they shoukd get what they pay for.

      • Obama has sealed records. They need to be unsealed. People will see what a lyin’ sack of shit he really is. The Kenyan Muslim is a piece of 💩

    • Propaganda! Trump’s Project 25 will abokish FBI and let pedophiles targeting kids online ruin lives. No FBI no prevention of 911 type of terrorists or drug trafficers or financial scams. It is Make America Into Nigeria plan.

  2. I agree with you NavVet. If any Democrap becomes president, our country is finished. America will become a third world banana republic. We’re well on the way with dementia Joe in the White House. The end of the Biden regime can’t come soon enough.

      • We have the strongest economy in the world that other nations envy and the lowest unemployment in 50 years sustained for 27 months. The stock market continues to set records. All you have are lies from faux news sites. READ newspapers again as they follow stricter libel and slander lies. Internet news is not news.

  3. Joe the bidet puppet will try to use the Hur report when it comes time to convict him of his money laundering activities with his family. But he should be aware that they do imprison mentally incapacitated people in a ward for same.Wont help his co-conspiracy partners any!

    • How true! A terrible time for our country to lose trust in our government due to treasonous acts committed by elected as well as outside Socialist conspirators intent on destroying our nation’s longstanding Constitution.
      Well summarized!

      • Trump wants to throw out the constitution! Read his Project 25 plan to Make America lawless like Nigeria. And he talks about violence against other citizens. He is classless, sexual predator, proud pussy grabber, he cheated on every wife, all his businesses fail, he sells bibles true Christians give away, mocks others, lies and is disgusting person.

    • He’s probably going to go live in the Caribbean casino with Zelenskyy that’s where all of the tax payer’s money has gone. Biden has a plan screw the people of this country and escape when it falls in. Bastard

  4. Donald Trump is no better, his memory and calling people by the wrong name, and he can’t string a sentence together, his rally’s are horrible…

    • Gloria, although I taught for over 35 years, you are probably beyond my ability to generate improvement. However, I would be totally remiss to not at least correct ‘rally’s’. You have made it a contraction and, therefore, grammatically incorrect. You need the plural ‘rallies’. As for the rest, please get advanced help before voting.

    • I blank on people’s names, I’m better at faces than names and I’m in my 40’s. Considering how very many people that Trump has to remember their name across the country and the world, he’s doing very well with the names he gets to begin with. That’s not an age thing, it’s just a thing.

      • I am 77 and what you have posted Mr. is true. Even when I was in the Navy at 18 I had a hard time remembering names but I was very good at numbers. Because of an injury I could not work on the line so they put me on the switch board at the base. In less than three weeks I had every phone number and where it connected to memorized, yet I could not remember the lead operators name. I still have the same problem today.

  5. Ya’ll leave Gloria alone, she is a proper Demoshit stooge for Obadiah. I am a veteran and I am tired of these asshats ruining America. They need to impeach and imprison the lot and go back and try Obama and OHillary for treason, useless pieces of crap. This country being run by politicians is proving to screw this country, it is a business and needs to be run by a business owner. That is why MAGA is our only way out of this mess and I don’t care man or women as president . You have to have run a successful business to be qualified to run for office of the presidency

  6. Dementia Joe, Hillary, Andy Cuomo and Dr Fraudci will never go to jail. They won’t be punished in this lifetime, but they’ll go to hell in the hereafter. No other venue will have them.

  7. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

    NavVet said: “If any democrat gets elected in 2024 America is gone. No freedoms or rights for any one…” Right. Women don’t count – send ’em back to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, that’s the plan, right?

    Uh, Garry – successful businesses? What about all those bankruptcies – the six bankruptcies were the result of over-leveraged hotel and casino businesses in Atlantic City and New York: Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009). Please explain! Oh wait – it’s Biden’s fault!

    • Not bidens fault, Hillary brought it up in their debate. His answer was one that told the whole story. “I used the same tax loopholes that you and your cronies use. Don’t blame me, change the laws!”
      That is why she put her lying ass on the line. She went from being good looking to looking like death sucking on a life saver. Trump is not my favorite, however is a far cry better.

      • Hillary had nothing to do with tRump’s lame excuse for going bankrupt! If they all use the same tax loopholes, why didn’t THEY ALSO go bankrupt?

        How about that woman thing – you okay with sticking them back in the kitchens?

    • Say what you want but at least Trump did not cause America to go into being bankrupt like your TRAITOR, DICTATOR Joe. By the way no one is trying to send women back into the kitchen. Open your eyes before it is to late.

  8. Hello..let Kamala there. Who’s ever is backing Biden behind the curtain can walk her through a couple months. As far as Newsom being pluggednis a big mistake also. Listen To him and how praises Biden for the awesome job Joe has done! How about we look at a state Newsom has run into the ground! People can’t wait to get out of California ! Why would he be stuck in there. Wouldn’t have much to do except run the whole country into the ground as the guy in there has as already started that pro cess! They need to seek a Democratic Senator or decent governor who has a nice record of what he’s accomplished and doesn’t lie and make up false stor
    Ies and can speak English for at least a couple seconds.He’s happens to us all.Just don’t believe his wife and friends tell him it’s time to move on. It’s selfish to let the guy sound out to lunch everytime he speaks.C’mon man, Tom.

    • Trump is worae than 99.9% of all Americans. He encourages hate, ridicule and violence. He is a serial sexual abuser and unfaithful to his wives. . He is Putinspuppet and extremely evil man. You watch conservative media that screens out reality and facts instead of reading newspapers that follow strict libel and slander law. Don the con is unfit for office.

  9. I hate to hear people talking like Biden was a REAL RESIDENT, that just plays into the democrats hands telling them they won, that the people are letting them steal and get away with an election. A free four years to cover their crimes/destroy are country leaving us buried in debt so President Trump will have NOTHING to work with, think about it !

  10. You are all missing the big picture! There is one greater then all of us who is running the show, the weather and all that happens in this world! Read his book daily and you will understand why the world is the way it is! We were created in his image and have tarnished and destroyed all that has been given to us! Wake up everyone!

  11. Your comment that President Trump is not on the ballot is untrue if you take into account the primaries he has already won to accumulate his votes at the convention. Otherwise, why do we have a primary? Does Biden know he will be replaced? I think if the Democrats do that they will have to carry Biden away struggling. Have you ever watched the movie “88”?

  12. It seems that there are too many brainwashed communist morons that call themselves democrats. I read some negative comments about Trump! Is Trump perfect?? Hell no but who is??? Trump is better than 99.99% of democrats, especially the ones in Congress or White House. Will the people wake up before this country really becomes totally “Banana Republic”???

    • Trump is worae than 99.9% of all Americans. He encourages hate, ridicule and violence. He is a serial sexual abuser and unfaithful to his wives. . He is Putinspuppet and extremely evil man. You watch conservative media that screens out reality and facts instead of reading newspapers that follow strict libel and slander law. Don the con is unfit for office.


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