BIDEN PISSED!! Trump will be Exonerated because of THIS!!



Check out Jonathan Turley’s newest book: The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage Follow on or at
Stephen Gardner and Professor Jonathan Turley have a deep discussion on the Donald Trump lawfare trials. We also go deep on the importance of Freedom of Speech.
Jonathan Turley is an attorney, legal scholar, writer, commentator, author and legal analyst and you’ve most likely seen his brilliant coverage of the Trump legal cases on Fox News.

Calling Biden a real President is like calling Alec Baldwin a gun safety instructor


  1. Just hope the people that voted for Biden, can actually do some research. I have seen tapes of Biden, where he has abused his power when he was younger. No surprise he has not changed. Nothing he has done, or didn’t do, changes my belief. He is a liar, Socialist, Communist, traitor.

    • I couldn’t agree more.
      It just amazes me how many people actually have no clue as to what’s going on in our country.
      They have the D behind their name
      And that’s all they need to know,
      How idiotic.

    • Biden is also the most rabid racist to have ever hit DC! he is a class A pedophile! I fear the DCAP(demoncrap/communist/atheist party) is going to get us in WWIII just to keep their stranglehold on the American people!

  2. Brain dead, special needs democRATS need you, friends and relatives dead still can vote for their favorite democRAT

  3. You guys talk like Trump is a saint all the crap hehas done and gets away with it. If it was one of us we would be put in jail.

    • Really? Then why is Biden,Obama,Pelosi, Warren, Waters, Harris and the squad not in jail. All are thieves,liars, socialist commies and TRAITORS. Trump is not saint he is a person just like any other who has made mistakes, not intentional criminal acts against America as have those mentioned. Pr Leire you need to wake up and stop drinking Kool Aid. Biden is a DICTATOR who hates America and the constitution.

      • NavVet – Great point and well said. “Biden the shipwreck” has people brain washed. His followers can’t recognize that he’s screwing them right under their own nose. He’s an expert gas lighter and at this point extremely dangerous to the US.
        SM2 from CGN haze grey & underway

      • Right on! Look, Trump is not a perfect man, NO ONE IS. He’s a shrewd businessman, a talent that this country sorely lacks in leaders and especially congress. We are the largest “business “in the world and we need people that can make decisions that are not solely political that benefit the country AND ALL (or at least the majority) THE PEOPLE. That is one of the reasons that the demons are after him, he made the right changes, in the short time he was in office, and the country benefitted greatly from them.
        We DO NOT NEED wanna be dictators of the likes of Biden, Obama, or the Clinton’s and a hand full of others!

  4. Watch out for our country big fat East news not tainted in the news! Russia, North Korea signed military pact! China not in pact! No word on why! China needs fresh water, Russia took millions of acres from China days after WWll. Huge fresh water lake in stolen land! Could China take it back with a severely weakened Russia?

  5. NavVet-agreed. I cannot believe how masses of people believe so many lies because they’ve heard them on MSM. And, when evidence reveals the lies, people aren’t open to thinking for themselves or admitting they’ve been duped. They’ve been taught to hate Trump. What will it take to undo such heavy propaganda?

  6. If a EMP hits USA, China may want Canada’s water.
    We would be only a secondary target, 20% of words fresh water is in Canada! Every major food growing exporting countries have severe water shortages.


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