Biden Gets Devastating News From The FBI – They Got Him


The FBI should have to pay back their salary and denied retirement. Even if they can’t be tried for employee theft and election interference.

Explain America discusses this in the youtube video below:


Not only should Wray be held for contempt he should also be charged with obstruction

I am of the opinion that the reason Joe Biden has been untouchable is because Obama would be implicated in these matters as well. As President, how would he not know what his VP is up to?


    • When the evil ones control the department of justice and the judiciary, it makes it near impossible for Truth to be heard. When the likes of theses mammon’s obstruct Democracy, Justice, Liberty and Freedom; and would rather our country be pitched into Civil War than have their wrongs be brought to the table of the Populace, it makes for a high wall to scale to conquer the morally corrupt. Have faith in Good to prevail and do not sit by in apathy, while our Children’s heritage is threatened; for Right makes Might, History is the Diary of the Victor and the Truth always Prevails. We, as the Citizenry, have a far greater motivation, to feed our trust in each other. And- it is the Sacred Covenant we hold, not to each other nor our Forefathers, but to our Children and our Children’s Children- that they may have the opportunity to inherit a far better life than bequeathed us!

    • I half way agree with you Grace, but we still believe in innocent until proven guilty. Let’s cut down on the talk and see some action. It appears there is more than enough provable evidence to remove a lot of our so-called leaders from office, and put some away in jail. Let’s see some action and less talk. So many become very wealthy on the salaries we pay for their offices, or did they find some other way to get rich? Trump was not even willing to take the pay we provide for President. We need to get the bank records and if the Biden family received illegal gift money, prosecute them just like they would one of us.

  1. Everyone and I mean everyone that is or has been involved in these treasonous acts Must be held accountable and arrested for treason against the United States of America. This has gone on for too long. We the American people live by God and Our, “We The People” Constitution and All of the Amendments.Wake the hell up America and take our Freedoms back.

  2. I believe all of this and this is probably the tip of the iceberg. biden is the 3rd term for obama. Now they want a 4th term for biden and obama to keep getting more millions. They are not hiding anything anymore, people are silent because they are complicit. Now this two thugs biden and obama have to be taken out, we will never have democracy, if they are still in power.

  3. The way these elections are conducted is so corrupt between voter ID,early voting and mail in ballots not to mention enormous contributions to one particular party really disturbed me. If it happens again I will never vote again.

  4. The proof is right there in front of yall. But most won’t belive it even if it hits them on the head. Their die hard democrat fans, and only belive what their told. Never even considering the possibility of the crimes of the democrats. Equal justice for all right ??? Like hunter, a Crack head with guns living in the white Crack house. And all of the illegal documents in 3 or is it 4 places owned by the bidens. And only Trump gets raided for having league documents. And now the j 6th BS lies of the x speaker of the house pelosi, who used that to attack and murder trumps fans. Over 200 fbi agents in the crowd and they even went as far as to lead them into the capital. Yet only the Americans who went in are sitting in Federal prison being treated as terrorists, while the real terrorists walk free. Blm and antfia are democrat payed for terrorists who burned , looted and killed for the far left Communist democrats. And yet only one person is being blamed for all this made up BS to fix elections and no one see or wants to belive this ??? By letting the democrats get away with this will be the start of the end of our country. But then again I think it already started when the democrats stold the elections in 2020 and we all can see how bad that ended up. Open borders, crime more the doubled, bio labs ran by other country’s in our country. The list go’s on and on. We were once the greatest country like so many others and like them all were destroyed from within. And we are now falling in to the same trap cause of the delusional democrats who keep voting for the same corrupt people. That’s all I have to say about that. It does no good to say more, no one listens to the truth anymore.

  5. I’ve been calling this administration the Obiden admission since day. Biden is incorrect with Obama nearly on a daily basis. Now Michelle Obama may run for president once Biden secures a few key states. He’ll step down and Michelle will step in. Then Barrock can continue to destroy this country as he has done before. And is going now. The democrats are afraid if anyone that isn’t a Democrat gets into office they’ll try to (and hopefully succeed) get this country back on the right track. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Democrats he knows what you’re doing to his children.

  6. Off topic but what ever happened with Hunters illegal possestion of a fire arm was in the news untill We have more dirt on Trump! lol nice redirection of agenda! But I never heard anything more

  7. This is all nonsense, in our current nation, with the double standards of justice and rigged elections, one political party is totally immune to the laws that are used against the other political party and the taxpaying working slaves!
    Sure, Biden can be impeached but NO one in the democrat and RINO senate will convict him of anything, they are all in lock step! And so is the news media you trust to tell you the truth…. right?

  8. Some day….some day…the real truth will come out about Obama and
    it will go down in history as the biggest ——————————–
    story of all time ———————————
    Just beware ———————

  9. Produce the evidence and get it right out there. People actually believe that it’s all fake and that all the Biden flops are doctored videos, for land’s sake, how stupid can people be not to see what’s so obvious? Put it out there, get it seen. We are making progress but still, Biden and the other donkeys get so much protection.

  10. Biden did do one thing smartly, and that may be the only and last smart move he makes. He was so smart to pick Harris for his VP, knowing it would be even worse if he was impeached and she took the office. Next time, lets make a strong case for a competent person on the VP ticket we vote for. Especially if we keep putting very old people up for election.

  11. i agree with Jack Edwards and old wolf this has gone on long enough wake up and don’t vote democratic your party is ruining america


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