Ben Shapiro Has Brutal List of Facts In Response to Trump Verdict



Not a fan of Ben Shapiro but he nailed this one. The Biden corruption list could go on for a long time.

This verdict changes NOTHING for me. I will still vote for President Trump in November.


  1. People already know the facts. It was a show trial with a known outcome since it was all fabricated by the DNC and George Soros. Stop talking about how bad it was and start doing something to correct it. Also, I never want to hear any Republican Congressman talk about ‘working across the aisle’ or ‘compromise’. We have seen first-hand where that ‘go-along-to-get-along’ philosophy gets us. Screw them. Defeat them. That’s the only way to win against Communists.

  2. shapiro is a major zionist puppet
    so what does that say about trump? (that the zionists figure they can pull his puppet strings as they have done for each President since Kennedy?)

  3. When I ask a liberal, what has Biden done that was good? They never have an answer. Not only that, when you start talking politics, they walk away saying I don’t discuss politict. Fortunately, none of them do any name call or be hateflul like the head democrats. Where are all of them that speak up? I never run into them so I never have a chance to challenge them; they all keep quiet. I was a deiocrat but change when they started pushing that socialism bull which a lot of them know nothing about. I’ve been several socialist countries several times, like Cuba, Venezuela and even behind the Iron Curtain and I know how bad those countries are and badly their leaders treat them. Slaves.

  4. Nikita Khrushchev said that America will never be lost from outside but only from inside as the Dumocrats are trying to do. SO many IGNORANT people still will vote more this demented idiot CROOK. His Son LIES on his NICS check about using drugs then posts himself using drugs BUT the demented idiot says My Son did nothing wrong. Jimmy Carter was an ANGEL compared to this crooked Family. Selling out AMERICA for money.


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