BACKFIRE! 10K Fast Food Workers FIRED in California! Workers Making LESS Money With $20 Minimum Wage



Keep voting for The Left and very soon you will have nothing left.

Only every economist knew this would happen.


  1. This is the result of the fast food workers thinking newsom’s for them and in the end they got screwed, had their hours cut or lost their jobs. These fools thought that a raise to $20.00 per hour for non skilled work was going to benefit them and didn’t think long term that this would result in hours cut, job loss and fast food restaurants closing. No sympathy whatsoever, tough SHIT, you voted for this oaf, deal with the consequences of your irresponsibility. Next time think before voting. That said it’s time to get smart and realize the liberals don’t give a rats ripe rear end about anybody but themselves. How much more pain do people need to endure before they get smart and start voting smarter? To think we have 2 more years of newsom before he’s gone unless if by the grace of God he’s gone with the recall set for September this year is scary. By then hopefully enough people will get off their lazy butts and vote out this no good snake in the grass who’s done nothing but destroy California and the American dream for so many Californians. And the next governor, try voting for a Republican for a change, couldn’t hurt. You’ve seen and dealt with the liberals ( hint all of them are cut from the same bolt of cloth and for the most part are all snakes) and if you want more of the same you know what to vote for so don’t waste your vote for more of the same BS. I just can’t stop laughing at this , it’s too bizzare to think people put up with S**T like this.


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