America is BUILDING these secret facilities in all 50 states WHY?!? | Redacted with Clayton Morris



Concentration camps for WE THE PEOPLE stop deleting the comment YouTube if it wasn’t the truth u wouldn’t delete it



  1. This is truly frightening! I have heard about fema camps back in the ninety’s! And all the military bases that Obama closed are bieng set up as camps as well. People need to wake up and see what is happening! Thank God for this man getting the information out, otherwise we wouldn’t know! Our government is against US, and I think Biden will declare martial law, due to their created “ social unrest”, stop the election, and anyone who disagrees will be arrested and sent to those camps! We MUST stop this madness!

  2. The FEMA death camps were fake.
    The “coffins” were not real. I had heard that fiberglass covers in that stock pile weren’t for burying people.
    Someone said that it would take too much time and effort to execute people and bury them individually.
    Our government certainly loves to mess up most of the things they are doing (for us?, For political gains? Most likely.) There would not be any reward (for now) for mass executions.
    There was a “guillotine” image on the internet that looked like a real execution device, a few years ago. It was actually an artistic endeavor and there was only one made. Search: guillotines in America today images. The one in question has the name Chanel on it. The fake news that the government had purchased 30,000 guillotines, were in claims on social media platform was blocking the site’s link: “BREAKING: Thousands of guillotines pre-positioned across America for left-wing terrorists to execute conservatives, Christians and Whites in the unfolding CIVIL WAR.” (quote from Hunter Ingram USA TODAY 9-2-2020)
    There have been many claims by isolationists, hate groups, paramilitary groups that want to “ignite” a modern “civil war”. Apparently the term “boogaloo” is a code word for starting a new civil war.
    In my opinion, it is insane to think the idea of those “plans” can have “a snowball’s chance” of working. Maybe they can do some damage. To “win a race-war” would be impossible. Once they start something like like that, how would you differentiate what “side” anybody is on? JB-46 had a point about an insurrection force needing planes (F16s). Those are too old, and they are no opponents to the rest of our military force’s weapons and other tech. Taking a look at who might be trying to take the leader positions would probably make them enemies within their own ranks. Hitler and Stalin had some “purges” killing some that could have helped them, just because they were possible threats to the egotistic maniac’s future plans.

    Even the following 13 Roman Emperors trusted their forces more than they could afford.
    Gordian III
    Philip II
    All of them were murdered.

    I am inclined to think our government is not competent enough to do evil like mass executions. Their subterfuge and political machinations can destroy anyone they target. Why would they change their methods now?

  3. These detention facilities will be for the vaccine refuseniks, gun owners, Republicans, and anyone else the liberals deem a “threat” to their regime. If you don’t want to buy a battery powered car, you’ll go to a detention facility to get “edumacated”.

  4. We have been arrogant and oblivious to the ‘little things’ that the Marxists like AOC drop casually here and there. Just because she is not very bright, doesn’t mean that she lacks malice. At the very beginning of the present Regime, she stated the intention of sending us, the people that voted for Trump to ‘re education camps’. Maybe for somebody that is not really familiar with the ways of Communism this sounded too far fetched. Well, it wasn’t. The criminal political prosecution against President Trump revealed the real nature of the people that have control over our country now.

  5. Correct. AOC is not very bright. Her ignorance is on display every time she opens her mouth. Her IQ can’t be much higher than her shoe size. As far as the detention facilities are concerned, I guess we can tear up our Constitution and Bill of Rights. This is the stuff they do in Red China, North Korea and banana republics.

  6. The Commies have been planning these camps since Clinton. They actually started building them during obama’s reign as ‘FEMA’ camps for ‘displaced’ people from natural disasters. During COVID, the Deep State wanted them to ‘isolate’ people who refused ‘The Jab’. Now, with SCOTUS upholding censorship by the Government, they might be used as ‘re-education’ camps for ‘dissidents’. Right out of George Orwell’s book ‘1984’. This is why we still have the Second Amendment…if the RINOS don’t give it away.


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