2 Car Brands That are Going Bankrupt (Do Not Buy)



Who likes watching Scotty ?

About a decade ago I had a Ford truck which had a terrible noise coming from the passenger side. But, it stopped when my divorce was finalized.


  1. He might get temporarily bankrupted, but when he is re-elected, he will have the heads of the democrat conspirators stuffed and hang them on the wall in alphabetical order in the oval office

  2. Of course you would Tom. Just like the former guy you have no interest in what is good for the country. You just want to go back to the hate that once ruled this country.

  3. There is more hate in this country today than ever before More violence , more disrespect more control over our privacy less morals less money for the working class trying to survive. The world is upside down. Right is wrong. Wrong is right.

    • Well, it is not because of the Republicans that there is so much Hate in this country, you have to remember that the Democrats are always stirring up something that is always illegal but they get away with it because they own all the Judges.

  4. The dumbocrap commies, are about to get their radical,liberal,progressive, behinds handed to them in the next election.They have lost every voting class they depended on,african=american,hispanics,asians,white terrorists as u call them,have jumped ship, and left these evil,baby killing, trangender loving,mutations, on kids,allowing an invasion of our country,starting another war, and funding the terroists,and undermining our only ally,Israel,abandoning them, will cause the anillation of America,wake the hell up.Tell the evil dumbocraps to pound sand.

  5. How many Joes are tearing America up with hate, bias, prejudice. They should check empires that existed before ours, they sound just like those who caused their downfall. Reminder Mrs. Clinton had 3,000,000+ more U.S. citizens voters than “you know who” and JOe B had 7,000,000+ more U.S. citizens than “What´s his name” and this record may be shatered in Nov causing more cries of “They Cheeted and stole my kindom”

  6. I bought a ford explorer AWD/4×4 in 1997 at 110,000 the transmission died. in 2012 I bought a ford explorer AWD/4×4 at 80,000 the transmission died. In 15 years ford could not fix their design problems.

    Ford sucks. ford makes MG’s and triumph for the 1960’s look good.


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