You Won’t BELIEVE what just HAPPENED to Obama! | Larry Elder goes off!



Obama is full of it trump won fair and square

Obama is full of it trump won fair and square


  1. Now that Trump has been relected he can make the FBI publish the report that they aren’t allowed to release, release the report on how easy it is to hack the voting machines

  2. Larry elder hit the nail on the head about Obama. Obama set out to destroy our country on day one! He is a liar, plays the race card over and over every day. He rigged both of his elections and rigged the 2020 election as well. He and Biden both admitted they had the most sophisticated vote rigging system ever, and no one caught on. Obama “ installed” Biden so he could have his third term. Now he is running scared because Trump won fair and square, and he knows Trump has the goods on him. I hope Trump starts investigations on Obama and his cabal and tells the American people all that he has done against our country. He needs to be in prison for treason! Along with his mentor Soros, and all the rest of his cabal. Don’t forget Obama released Al Baghdadi and the five top Taliban leaders so they could form Isis, which Obama called the “” and did nothing to stop isis.

  3. Patty I agree totally on what you said, only thing I will add and no one can convince me otherwise is that I believe Obama was born in Kenya, making him an illegal president. He should be in prison.

  4. Hawaii birth cert of Obama a complete computer-generated forgery, his Social security number is from Connecticut, was issued to a 61 year old white man who died August 1961 when Obama born, Obama grandmother says he born in Kenya. All this is verified by photos of the docs.


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